Hey all :3
I'm making an UPDATE post giving a rundown of everything that has been made thus far.
Here's a list of mini projects:
Conklyn Castle-complete
Brandybottom-almost complete
Conklyn Village-complete
ConkHam3-plotted, yet to be approved
ConkHam4-plotted, yet to be approved
As you can see, most mini-projects are done, 7 out of 10(11ˇˇ) to be exact. They all however lack detailing terrian.
The "Lord's wood" (forest by Conklyn Castle) is compleate, while the the southern forest has just gotten started.
Fields are nonexistant at this moment apart from three by the village. Those still have to be made.
I also have a proposal for a new holdfast in the south:

It would be by the forest hamlet in the south and oppened for applications. A problem irises in the fact that there's a tower from Coldmoat there. This idea originaly came from my idea to move it up on the hill on which I intend for this Holdfast to sit attop:

I would like to ask for promission to remove it or relocate it, if my Holdfast proposal is accepted. :3
As for the fields, after I'm done with school, I should be able to learn how to make them myself
However, in the coming weeks of May, I won't be as active as before, due to the ammount of exams I'll be having durring that time aloing with the National Examination Tests (Nacionalno Preverjanje Znanja). As a last request, I'd like to see the hamlets, made by Pigxle and javiv, to be approved and ploped into Conklyn. Jaq's stamp of approval~

for both of them.
I hope my wishes can be fulfilled~ <3
I wish you all a pleasnt day afternoon or evening :3