Completed Project Application: House Brune of Dyre Den


Royal Messenger
Hello, I talk with Dragons and he said I can apply for next project when I wait for post approval my last one, he said don't worry about it.
So there is my application for House Brune of Dyre Den.

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Donkey Lord
Staff member
remember that you can make bogs on slopes and that there’s also the opportunity to make wooded fens in this project.
I’ll try and send some of the diagram images I have of a large fen which formed on a slope, making it appear like a small crest. It could be an interesting addition to the forests


Royal Messenger
Hey I want announce that Lychester Lands are post approved.
This is 2 weeks since my application and know that mod team can be busy but I will be happy for any opinion or comment to my application.


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Hey NMF,

Sorry about the delay! Been pretty busy IRL so it slipped my mind. I'd be happy to see over my neighbor on the other side of the Bay of Crabs.

I do, however, want to know a little bit more about your terraforming plans for the beaches - perhaps a diorama or something. I am a little bit concerned about having some consistency in the coast terrain within the bay, so my beaches & dune landscapes don't stick out like a sore thumb. I think the mud/sand shoreline sounds fine, but maybe expand the beaches a little bit (up until the cliffs start) and and some small dunes like the ones at Wickenden. On the other hand, I might modify my beaches at Wickenden to be a little muddier and more wet sand. So let's try to meet in the middle somewhere.

I'm also not entirely sold on some aspects of the castle. The shapes of the two towers on the south side of the castle feel a bit clunky to me. Also, I'm wondering if there's any way to use some secondary materials to show some weathering and erosion on the castle, since the palette feels a bit too plain currently. Presumably, a castle on an ocean cliff in cracklaw point would be quite battered by storms and wind. See /warp farring for a good example of how to do weathering on a gray stone castle.

If you can refine these things I'd be happy to approve. I like the plans otherwise.


Hey fun, your castle is nice, however, there one main issue with the canon. You don't have any kind of distortion or lean to them, they are described as "crooked" in the books, which will pair nicely with Emote's suggestion of the palette
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A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Hey NMF,
I'll approve this as well once you've had a chance to address Emote and Enah's suggestions. Fun fact I spent a solid day or two agonising over the layout of Bran Castle when I made a model of it for the Halloween contest last year (you can take a look at /warp halloween).


You can also find a convenient 3D model of the castle here:
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Royal Messenger
Thank you for feedback from all, I'm working at little change in castle so materials from cash will be very helpfull. I and Endy work at pallet so this also have some progress. About terraforming wydms along coast can be done but very small and with wet sand due cracklaw point is described as very rainy and wet so wydms like in wickden will look strange but I like this idea and think any kind of wydms will appear along coast.
All progress can be see at my plot /warp nmf
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The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Sorry, I didn’t really understand what you mean by “wydms”? Do you mean dunes?

Cracklaw can still have the wide beaches with some dunes if it’s wet and rainy, since these are formed by ocean erosion. The difference is you wouldn’t get those round bumpy dunes which are caused by the wind pushing sand around. The sand you use should be wet sand, I’ll also likely make the wickenden beaches a little wetter.


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
The new castle looks great! Regarding the dunes, the Scottish coastal dunes sound like a good inspiration. @Kor_Bro made a really nice wet-sand beach south of White Harbor and north of Oldcastle that you might want to take a look at (hopefully he can help provide some tips for making it?); his were inspired by the Danish beaches.

Anyways, I still want to see you do a small section of the beach or a small diorama that I can see before you roll out the full terraform. I think we can do that when you get to it though (it's easier to do it on the real map) and I'm happy to approve at this point.


Royal Messenger


  1. 1.
    bent or twisted out of shape or out of place.
How you want exhibit this? We have in castle black the tower which is little crooked but it is hard to do in smaller towers and in minecraft to do at all make it look good.
I think more to just deform and make erosion in walls to show crooked of towers.


Your towers are not that small, but there's a good small tower example at /warp gthf1 and some at peckledon I think? But, I hope you made a test for the damage and not jsut say it's not good looking or too hard, which, if that was the case a lot of our stuff wouldn't have been built


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
There’s also some examples of leaning towers at Moat Cailin and /warp greenwood if you wanted to give it a try, though both of these are ruins. The basic idea is you just bring the upward half of a tower forward by one block, and then use wall blocks to transition. It might be tricky with interiors so you’ll probably have to plan those out simultaneously.


Royal Messenger
ok I try do this and this is what I made:
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