Project update:
Things are going pretty well, I took a long break from the server my second semester of school but i've been playing more recently and have made enough progress to warrant an update i think. The main body of work has been done between hamlets 1, 2, and 3. I've created a forest, plotted a bunch of fields/pastures and finished most of the houses in the hamlets themselves. There is still alot of detail work to do, like hedges, field houses, orchards, etc. I've plotted a holdfast as well in the west of the project, guarding the roseroad. After I finish this roughly triangular bit between the hamlets, the work left to do is:
-plot fields/pastures/forests around the main town, as well as hamlets in the north section of the project
-make large forests and houses in northern valleys, around the river
-add 2-3 watermills along the river in various locatons
-finish the southern part of the lands, including castle, mander reterraform, fields/pastures
**Potential project changes**
Now I spoke to kulmen in game a couple weeks ago, and he expressed a desire to redo or update spearwatch. Of course I will not touch it without his permission and mod permission, but I had a couple of ideas for updating/changing the area.
1: Redo spearwatch in the ambrose style as well as reterraform and plan it.
2: Nuke spearwatch, move town #2 from infront of the castle to the north riverbank of the mander. This is my preferred option for a couple reasons:
- Allows for my original idea of town 2, which was a river town with a small docks.
- Replaces and consolidates spear watch with my original planned settlement at a better location
- Allows for a smoother transition from my project to kulmens (newbarrel)
Of course kulmen, you can have as much say in the planning of any new town or updated spearwatch as you want.
Anyway that's the update for now, I have mini projects and stuff as well so if anyone has any questions about those then shoot me a message.