Redlake has been reviewed and critiqued in Situ. Unfortunately, as well I do not like to take homes that have been approved by other builders as that can often indicate they went through and changed things to their liking rather than meloning it and giving feedback. This is more my fault than anyone as I should have gotten to you faster to critique it. Just those hsvillage ones aren't showing the mistakes I've seen you tend to make, therefore making me unconfident to count them towards your five. If they fixed the issues then they aren't helping you improve.
But notes of Redlake:
Symmetry is dangerous, especially in Minecraft. It can come across more modern and the house at redlake came across like the ones with a white picket fence. Often Asymmetry looks better for single/two story homes anyways.
Consider applying more medieval logic, and follow the trends others have created in the houses around you.
Slightly Taller chimneys look better than ones that barely come out of the rooftop.
Why would a poor person need two fireplaces? Especially one large one that 2x2? How would they afford such?