Models, Blocks and Blockstates

Halfdoors yes, or just a 3D arrow slit like this

Now that I think about it, we would be unable to modify any existing arrow slits because they don’t have orientations (therefore could not be replaced correctly, unless by hand). However, we could try a full 3D model for the new gothic windows perhaps, as they haven’t been implemented.


For those interested in creating block models and helping with the texture process. Check this out:

There are two fundamental ways of handling our future block models. 1) Treat each pixel = 1 voxel or 2) Make more detailed models by allowing the textures there to be scaled differently. Here are two examples of models I made recently:


The dagger is upscaled i.e. there are many more pixels per object surface area in comparison to our other blocks (Approach 2). The cleaver uses the 1:1 conversion of pixels to voxels i.e. the amount of pixels per surface area is exactly the same as for the rest of our blocks (Approach 1).

What do you think? Which way should we move with this?

A benefit of approach 2 is that we don't lose intricacy in small objects/ are able to keep objects realistically sized. Benefit of approach 1 is that there is no danger of objects possibly looking 'out-of-place' with the rest of our blocks, but may lead to more monotone/ simple items.