stack a cake block on top of a cake block and it turns into a fancier tiered cake for really rich households
stack a cake block on top of a cake block and it turns into a fancier tiered cake for really rich households
What use do we really have for this though? I doubt someone will have a multi-tiered cake around outside of parties.
but little cakes are mentioned somewhat often. a small cake/tart block would be good to add some variety to what a baker can have on their benches, rather than giant blocks of grainsacks, pies, bread etc.
Here is a folder I just set up on Google Drive @Thamus_Knoward Would this suffice? I have limited experience (with both the blockbench and organising google drive) but am eager to learn as it would be great to see many of the ideas of this thread make it into the Westeroscraft server itself.