Approved Lonely Hills Terra Project


Staff member
I assume you have no intention in updating the wiped down projects (basically Long Lake) yourself. A possibility could be to paste the few buildings that make them up again on the new terrain, even if they end up open for being updated/redone. Having said that, if we were to take option 1, what will the new area be left as? Currently it is placeholder forests, which are not particularly valuable, but more than a wool desert. Would you add some short of placeholder forest back into the area? Terraform it yourself up to our current standars (I guess this is not the idea given that you mention Carc's plans on the area)? Would the area be left as wool for someone else to eventually terraform?

I don't want you to feel pressured into having to more than double the size of your terra immersion, I'm not suggesting that. But given the huge area that you have highlighted I think it's important to discuss at what state is it gonna be left as. While I understand your workflow and thought process, I can also understand the complains of those who wouldn't want the heart of the North to be left us a green wool patch waiting for someone to do it.

Also, in case it needs to be said, I don't think leaving the Long Lake untouched is an option, given that it would make us basically unable to adress the canon about the White Knife.​



Thanks for the swift response. You’re right, I have no intention of updating the structures in the project(s) affected myself, as it’d be a bit of a stretch on project rules. I also feel a little out of my depth building in the north, as it’s not something I got much experience doing as a probie or builder.

With the forest, I’d intend to update it myself (a feat made all the more easier by Emots scripts). However, should Carc return between now and then I think it’s only fair to yield to him if he’s willing.

Large immersions can be intimidating and difficult and you’re right the bring up potential roadblocks there. In my mind, despite it being roughly the same area as the lonely hills, it’s probably half as difficult. The terrain is already mostly shaped, and shaping what’s left is not exactly rocket science. Similarly, a great deal of it is covered in forest, which as I mentioned above, is infinitely more easy to do with Emots scripts.

My only hang up is that I’m off to uni and I don’t know what that’ll do to my personal workflow but I can assume I won’t have as much time as I used to. So we’ll see how things go there and if I feel like it’s something I can undertake I’ll go for it, maybe inviting some people to help. To be honest all you need is Emots scripts once the area is shaped properly. Anyone with Macros could theoretically help out without me being there, just as long as I specify parameters for the script.

As I’m writing this I’m remembering scripts might be a thing of the past come 1.18. Hmmm I’ll have to think of another way around that at some point.


Staff member
Re-reading your first post about the matter it seems like you have the intention of tackling this expansion as a new immersion app, which I think is a good idea. If that's the case, and it is done just before the Lonely Hills are finished (to tie everything together), it should go smoothly. I think it is wise for you, as you said, to wait for when you start university, so you aren't surprised by a big load of work that prevents you from doing the new area. If that's the case there's alternative temporal solutions for adressing the lake's height change, so do not worry.

In the meantime you can try doing some tests. I imagine one for the southern edge, one for the northern edge and another for the main body of the forest, as well as one for the lake shore. Make sure to reach our North terra nerds, I'm sure they have plans and ideas for the area already, specially regarding the snowline. There might be some canon about the area that may be nice to check, perhaps regarding tree species or the general feel. The King's Road goes through it, I'm sure some POV has described the stretch from Winterfell to The Wall.
You’re right, I have no intention of updating the structures in the project(s) affected myself, as it’d be a bit of a stretch on project rules. I also feel a little out of my depth building in the north, as it’s not something I got much experience doing as a probie or builder.
There's few structures in the area, so I do think the idea I mentioned before (pasting them back in the new terrain) is feasible.


Hiya gang,

Started up some work on the Lonely Hills again! I'm slowly starting to plan out roads and paths through the valleys and hills, as well as plotting a few structures. I'd love to hear from my approving mods and anyone else with relevant expertise. I've also been trying out grass and biome mixes, and have landed on something I am happy with. Similarly, I've started doing patches of snow higher up on the hills, with the aim of adding drifts and patches more often as the hills get higher and further north. You can see on the dynamap the areas where I have been working, so feel free to check them out in game. I've done my best to label things here and there to make clear my ideas and thought processes.

-- Jake