Hiya gang!
Here's my 7ish month update! The greater portion of the hills are terraformed now, it's just a matter of doing rivers, vegetation, roads and the odd shepherd plot here and there. I'm also contemplating a small hamlet in the wider part of the valley just as a POI to draw people into the landscape.
I've also come up with some etymology for the Hills. They are the Lonely Hills because the few people who live there have seasonal depression and get lonely af :'(.
So, what's left to do? Well I need to transition things into the surrounding terrain and create a cohesive border. This will then lead into the raising of Long Lake (eek). I want to outline what that will entail in more detail (that rhymed lol). Anyway, it will result in the marked area being raised up and then patched into existing terrain.
There are two possible ways to go about this:
1) wipe projects around the lake and slowly build surrounding terrain in to raise the lake that way
2) poly select an area and raise it 10-15 blocks and then smooth the edges as best as possible
I am personally a fan of doing option 1) as it allows the snow border to be updated without having to skirt around structures. It also would end up with the most aesthetically pleasing version. It would also allow for the Wolfswood to be updated- something I believe is already on Carc's radar.
Let me know what is the most feasible solution and I'll set about making plans and preparing an application for an immersion to carry on when the lonely hills are complete.