Abandoned KL Update Application: District 27


And I'm quite content with that :)

I'll be petitioning to build something like Big Ben in Oldtown! It would look really awesome.
Well, considering Old Town is the seat of the Citadel, filled with maesters, alchemists, astrologers and other academics, it is not inconceivable that they would have constructed one of the finest mechanical clockworks in all the Seven Kingdoms and placed it in a large tower on campus in order to measure the movement of the stars and generally tell time. And I'm not saying the clocktower should look like a large neo-gothic victorian era erect dong but... it could be cool.:) anyway, very off topic


Staff member
Well, considering Old Town is the seat of the Citadel, filled with maesters, alchemists, astrologers and other academics, it is not inconceivable that they would have constructed one of the finest mechanical clockworks in all the Seven Kingdoms
Prague's astronomical clock is from the XV century, just saying... That being said I don't remember if there's any mention of clock towers outside Westeros. If that's true, then I think it should be left as a distinct feature of whatever location is from.

Regarding the theatre, while is true that King's Landing is based on London and England, this does not mean that everything that was going on in the Late Middle Ages there needs to be happening/have an equivalent in our lore. The Westerelands are Italian style-wise, but that doesn't mean the region is more "culturally advanced" that the rest of Westeros, or on the verge of a Renaissance equivalent (which in my opinion will likely be happening in the Free Cities). The proximity to Essos and the size of the city (half a million, much bigger than any city of Europe at the time, even Constantinople) make it a potential cultural hub, maybe not at the level of Braavos, Myr or Oldtown, but considerable enough. I'm more inclined to explore other shapes and particularly the courtyard scenario surrounded by buildings, but if there's a special love for the current state (which it seems to be) I'm not mad at it staying.


yea i’m not really gonna speak on the theatre matter because i don’t mind if it goes or stays, plus i know nothing about when theatres were a thing and what entertainment there was and all that
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so as emot and i have been discussing, we realized that the facades above on the left hand side need to altered, because nuggs has a house there that he has priority on and so the general structure of the buildings may change to accommodate this
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The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
I think the main thing I'd like to see at this point is some revisions to the map:

1. Like we discussed in-game, the houses around the theatre should be replotted to fit around the theatre better - this means more slanted facades (like the one by Nuggs you just mentioned) facing the theater, possibly a couple curved ones as well.

2. I'd like to see some collaboration with Desmera Redwyne and Veggie regarding the main road heading into the Dragon Square - that's an important vantage point, impacting all three of your districts, so it's crucial to get it right.

3. I'm a little confused by the red/orange/green classification currently - I haven't checked them all in-game yet so it's not necessarily that they're inappropriate, but it's more that you've marked the row of houses nearest the Dragon Square (the facades above) green, but your tests show them reworked entirely. If you do plan to redo certain houses, they should be marked with red or orange (depending on whether it's a total redo or if the same house layout is reused).


The Old Bear
Your district only really interacts with the Dragon Square on that back alley, which I'm doing. Happy just to talk in game via feedback, can message me on discord if you need a more immediate reply :)
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The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
I'm ready to approve, though once you're finished re-plotting anything and marking houses, I'd like to go through them with you before you open them for building. Also, special care should be taken with the "incorporated village" area in the southwest part of the district; it's a cool concept which could be really nice if done right. Once you get to that point, I'd like to see some additional testing and replanning of that area and the parts immediately around it (like the septry and garden).


Hello, here I am showing to you, some images of the propossal i have for the Middle class multitenant, considering the ideas I got.

kl multitenant 1.jpgkl multitenant 2.jpg

I am following the idea of doing for the bg of the tall buildinga market aimed in the purchase of clothes. the gound floor of the other building is going to be aimed entirely to mixed stores. For the inner part of the building, my idea is to build a semi sunken courtyard (similar to the one in KL 31) that is going to be aimed in the public services of the building (laundry and other services)

Thanks for yout response.


Hello Hello Hello!
Here I present to you my application for the Brewer's Guild plot. Detailing still remains to be a work-in-progress so please consider these images as a diamond in the rough. Much of the layout, believe it or not, is still fairly consistent with the original build. The pre-remaster guild hall boasts a tavern on the ground floor with an adjacent storehouse and courtyard. On the upper level is a large hall and side office for administration. With the exception of the office and ground floor tavern, my proposed build will include all the original amenities. The ground floor now has the potential to be utilized for more administrative purposes. I intend to include some kind of small archive for recording guild approved recipes, member dues, etc. I am also striving to preserve the mounted bust of Daeron the Drunken as has been requested by other builders. I am very much looking forward to your feedback and I am very willing to accommodate any desired alterations. Hope to get approved and thank you for your consideration!
:) :) :) :) :)
KL 27_brewersguild_Appl.2.pngKL 27_brewersguild_Appl.1.png


Hey, jmc! Sorry, I haven't got back to you as yet. Your tests are looking pretty good, one thing is I wouldn't have stone walls on the second storey of one part of the building. I'm happy to paste it in when I can.

Vinnie, you're tests are looking good, we looked at them a bit in-game, and I'm happy to approve. We can work a bit more on the brewer engraving/statue from the original one, but other than that good luck!


Hey, jmc! Sorry, I haven't got back to you as yet. Your tests are looking pretty good, one thing is I wouldn't have stone walls on the second storey of one part of the building. I'm happy to paste it in when I can.

Vinnie, you're tests are looking good, we looked at them a bit in-game, and I'm happy to approve. We can work a bit more on the brewer engraving/statue from the original one, but other than that good luck!

Hello again, here i send to you some samples of the multitenant,
I found this image of your application really siutable as well as awe inspiring, for my multitenant. this way I send to you some images of the changes I did, I hope you liked them

1614354702683.pngkl multitenant 1.jpgkl multitenant 2.jpg

thanks, and waiting for your response
