Abandoned KL Update Application: District 27


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Hi Jake,

Just a heads up that we'll probably want to wait until the Dragon Square is at a state a bit closer to completion before approving the districts directly adjacent to it. Also, the mods are currently reflecting on the progress in the districts that have been mostly done so far, and we're trying to distill these thoughts into a few concrete "action points" for future districts, so any new district apps should hold off for that.

(By all means keep testing for the district, just explaining where we're at right now in terms of planning)


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Hey Jake,

Now that the Dragon Square exteriors are in a mostly complete state, we'll be resuming adjacent district apps. We'll be making a post in the coming days detailing some general updates to the KL remaster guidelines, one of them being that we'd like to see more stylistic testing included in the applications, to ensure consistent styles between districts. You've already included some tests, but I think some more details on how you plan to transition from the Dragon Square would be good.

Per what Endy said here, I'm afraid of you spreading yourself too thin between all your pending applications and your ongoing work on Varner. Do you still plan to go forward with this application, or would you like to prioritize your immersion build application instead?


so I plan to have the houses that border the dragon square be taller than other houses in the district, standing at a medium height to bridge the gap between the two districts. Additionally, some of the houses closer to the sept of baelor will be converted into manses of pious city-goers. tests coming shortly
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here are updated tests.
to match the houses opposite (which are the backsides of the dragon square houses) will be basic colours to match veggies vision of the backside being less colourful and less maintained then the front of the square. an updated district map will be incoming soon enough.
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Untitled_Artwork 8.jpg
the purple plots are special plots that must be tested for, there is a septry, a brewers guildhall, a playwright's guild, a brothel, a tavern, an inn. the globe theatre has already been claimed by veggie et al. the light blue areas to the west are spaces allocated for pious manses.

there are also some crypts near the sept, which. I'm not sure if i need to update or not, but they're relatively small.

i plan on opening the district in sections, starting with the northernmost, and moving counterclockwise in order.
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Staff member
I just want to make a quick note about the theatre. I find it a little anachronistic in its current state.

The first purpose-built theatres in England didn't show up until the late 16th century; The English Renaissance. The Globe Theatre is one of the first things I think of when I imagine the English renaissance (think, Shakespeare in Love) and the cultural shifts towards the popular appreciation of fine art. I do not believe that Westeros has reached this point (some parts of Essos, maybe). I think the general consensus is that the historical equivalent to Westeros is England at the time of the Wars of the Roses (15th century), a good while yet before the renaissance. The Song of Ice and Fire trilogy makes no mention of theatre for the masses (or any art for the masses). Popular entertainment mentioned focuses on executions, tourneys, mummers, etc., but no mentions of a playhouse.

I would personally much prefer a set up like the one found in a Duskendale courtyard; a temporary ramshackle stage for a variety of entertainments, not plays. In any case, I would be curious to know what Veggie 's plans are for it.
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Cersei's Left Bob
I can't confirm this due to the asoiaf wiki being down for me, but I'm pretty sure there are several playhouses in Braavos. Although KL is less developed and sophisticated, I don't think it's *that* unrealistic for a smaller theatre like that to be included. White Harbor has one as well. Also, it's definitely one of the more iconic landmarks of our King's Landing, it'd be sad to see it go.


I can't confirm this due to the asoiaf wiki being down for me, but I'm pretty sure there are several playhouses in Braavos. Although KL is less developed and sophisticated, I don't think it's *that* unrealistic for a smaller theatre like that to be included. White Harbor has one as well. Also, it's definitely one of the more iconic landmarks of our King's Landing, it'd be sad to see it go.
That theater is UNESCO world heritage she stays ✋


Staff member
I can't confirm this due to the asoiaf wiki being down for me, but I'm pretty sure there are several playhouses in Braavos. Although KL is less developed and sophisticated, I don't think it's *that* unrealistic for a smaller theatre like that to be included. White Harbor has one as well. Also, it's definitely one of the more iconic landmarks of our King's Landing, it'd be sad to see it go.

Yes I'm pretty sure there is mention of playhouses in Braavos, in the same way there are playhouses in Italy during their Renaissance which took place a few hundred years before England's.

If the popular view is to keep it could we maybe try and make it look less explicitly like a Globe knock-off? The design of the Globe was directly inspired by the galleries of London's coaching inns (where plays were often performed), and afaik we don't have any buildings that look like galleried inns in KL (though we should make some!).


This build is such a great opportunity for a unique structure and the current iteration feels like a renaissance copy paste into a medieval context. Not to mention that giving a permanent playhouse such a central location in the city is something I don't think the monarchy would be best pleased about, as theatres were known for sowing seeds of dissent and starting riots.

There are lots of other really great examples of early theatre buildings to draw inspiration from. In my opinion it would be more appropriate to use a square barn-like structure which was common among early theatres.

But again I implore that alternatives to a permanent structure are far more interesting. Take for example the mystery play, the progenitor of modern dramatics. These plays made use of elaborate pageant wagons or large outdoor sets and played to enormous crowds. The opening chapter of the Hunchback of Notre Dame describes what I am referring to.

It was upon the marble table that the mystery was to be enacted, as usual. It had been arranged for the purpose, early in the morning; its rich slabs of marble, all scratched by the heels of law clerks, supported a cage of carpenter's work of considerable height, the upper surface of which, within view of the whole hall, was to serve as the theatre, and whose interior, masked by tapestries, was to take the place of dressing–rooms for the personages of the piece. A ladder, naively placed on the outside, was to serve as means of communication between the dressing–room and the stage, and lend its rude rungs to entrances as well as to exits. There was no personage, however unexpected, no sudden change, no theatrical effect, which was not obliged to mount that ladder.




I won't be heartbroken if we keep the current setup but I think we should use this as an opportunity to explore other options.
(also sorry for taking over your project thread Jake).


If I'm not mistaken, when we were testing for the theatre in the "original" KL (the one we're revamping now) there was a test for a more "improvised" theatre built in a relativly small closed of square (closed on 3 sides) surrounded by tall buildings that, if i remember correctly, had gallaries similar to those Dutch was talking about. I don't remember who made that test, but is it still around? Because that one looked like something Dutch was talking about and could be a cool alternative to the globe theatre.
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The Old Bear
That same theatre had a restaurant attached to it and an inn, which we decided wasn't right.

It's deliberately a globe knock off! It's camp and it's fun!

You're walking along the road towards dragon square and this strange looking building emerges betwixt the poplar trees. It's not immediately clear what this building is, but you step through the door and suddenly you're surrounded by stalls with the stage towering above you. I love it!

It's cool and this is a hill I will die on!



Staff member
That same theatre had a restaurant attached to it and an inn, which we decided wasn't right.

It's deliberately a globe knock off! It's camp and it's fun!

You're walking along the road towards dragon square and this strange looking building emerges betwixt the poplar trees. It's not immediately clear what this building is, but you step through the door and suddenly you're surrounded by stalls with the stage towering above you. I love it!

It's cool and this is a hill I will die on!


And I'm quite content with that :)

I'll be petitioning to build something like Big Ben in Oldtown! It would look really awesome.