Hey Jthompy,
Nice work with this Highgarden wine merchant. The shape and block palette overall is looking good, just a couple of things we could tighten up.
- It's good to clear out the grass around the house in high trafficked areas and swap in the dirt/gravel.
- Instead of the barrels you can use the vertical plank blocks for the edging around the house beneath the daub.

- I'd tone down the use of the glass cabinets through the house. Middle class houses are tricky since it can be hard to find that balance with what kind of blocks to use and how to demonstrate their moderate wealth without going overboard. Blocks with glass on them are generally restricted to High class houses, so would instead just use normal cabinets/shelves here instead.

- I can see you've done the stair/slab floorboards on the top floors but not sure if used in the basement?
- I like that you've explored the block mix and tried to show some variety, wine merchants probably wouldn't store grapes themselves, the basement could probably just be used for barrel storage instead.
- Would also swap out the chain pulley for rope.
- Yeah there's a bit that could be done with the bedroom. I think the big thing that you could play with is subdividing the floor into two or three sections. Wooden plank blocks can be used to split off a master bedroom, and the other bunk beds could be put outside (maybe make those itchy straw to differentiate them too).
- Storage blocks like baskets/sacs/chests are always safe bets to decorate sleeping areas with along with shelves/cabinets/drawers.
- I also would use half doors instead of the wattle for the bank beds.
- Also with the cabinet/drawer blocks, try to make sure that only one face is exposed, use half doors to cover up the rest.
So we've got some minor points to work on but I think at this point you'll learn more from being an actual builder, so consider yourself approved!
Please make sure to read the New Builder guide here:
The next step is to make a probation thread in the Probation Forum. You can start building at any open locations on the server - you can find a list of these at /warp build, although it's sometimes outdated, so I would also recommend just asking people in-game and checking the forums for recent project happenings. You can also toggle open plot markers on the dynmap mc.westeroscraft.com
A probie leader should post on your thread within a week or so and continue to give you constructive feedback on your houses for the next month (and help be your entry point into the server community in general), although as sometimes the probie leaders are busy IRL you may need to be patient while they find the time to respond to you. But message me again if a probie leader hasn't contacted you within two weeks, or if they're taking a while to respond. I would also encourage you to seek feedback from project leaders and other builders/mods. At the end, you'll be made full builder assuming everything goes smoothly.
I'd suggest you also start thinking about what projects you might like to work on, we encourage new builders to first work on "mini-projects" which are small one off areas of other projects, e.g. a hamlet, mill, quarry, and flagged as open for mini-apps by the project leader. Once you've done a few of these you'll be able to apply for a full project.
Make sure to stay in touch and let us know if you're losing interest, not finding enough work to do, or if there's any issues with the probation.
Welcome aboard and I'll see you in Westeros!