Approved House Lolliston: By wazgamer


Knight of Fairmarket
Hey, I'm not Waz but I'd like to pitch in too.
  • I think the Lollistons would hardly be in a position to try anything funny since they would have answered the muster at Riverrun, and the Lannisters are present in such large numbers they couldn't even have done something sufficiently annoying had they not. Tywin intentionally ventures beyond the Trident because he still expects the Vale to join forces with Robb, and by setting up at the road leading into the Vale he is able to hold a position where he prevents the armies from joining together into a larger force than his own. I doubt he would venture too far north along the Green Folk to subdue the remaining women and children in an area he cannot expect to hold, but if he did he would likely torch the entire area rather than a few select places in a scorched earth tactics kind of strategy.
  • The road to the castle seems to be a standard 3 blocks wide road which is used for most not extensively used roads of the area. It looks small next to the rediculously wide Kingsroad though, but it's wide enough for two cards to pass eachother opposed to the 7 blocks wide Kingsroad that can comfortably accommodate two trucks driving abreast in both directions. If anything other roads are too wide, especially considering the canon in regards of the state of the Kingsroad in the area. I haven't checked ingame though so I'm entirely relying on the dynmap here.
  • I agree with the bridge, which could just as easily be much lower/level with the terrain, or be made out of wood.


Lord Paramount of The Riverlands
I love both of your suggestions!

I’d be happy to incorporate some brick into sweetwillow, makes sense that there would be some river trade between terrick and sweetwillow.

Noted about the bridge, i’ll flatten it out a bit. I only went with stone as it’s the kingsroad and I was assuming that some monarch could have commissioned.

As for the roads, they are all 3 wide as is standard in most non major settlements for the server. I think the trees just dwarf the road at times but i can make clear some low hanging trees to make up for this.

Dont think I have anything else to add other than I’ll start incorporating your suggestions asap!
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Reactions: Finn01 and EStoop


Staff member
I think you are right, the trees are making the road look small. Some adjustments might help. I also agree that the bridge could be stone but it seems very out of scale with the town at the moment. Reducing the height will help I think. Just to address this point made by Stoop:

  • I think the Lollistons would hardly be in a position to try anything funny since they would have answered the muster at Riverrun, and the Lannisters are present in such large numbers they couldn't even have done something sufficiently annoying had they not. Tywin intentionally ventures beyond the Trident because he still expects the Vale to join forces with Robb, and by setting up at the road leading into the Vale he is able to hold a position where he prevents the armies from joining together into a larger force than his own. I doubt he would venture too far north along the Green Folk to subdue the remaining women and children in an area he cannot expect to hold, but if he did he would likely torch the entire area rather than a few select places in a scorched earth tactics kind of strategy.
The damage here is caused by Tywin marching up and then back down the Kingsroad to meet Roose Bolton in the Battle of the Green Fork, which we are semi-canonically locating just north of Lolliston. By "trying something funny" I meant that they might do something tactical to cut them off from the return route to the Crossroads. The battlefield should arguably be a bit further north (for example near /warp hgh2) but I didn't want to go too far in case the leaders of Haigh and Penny didn't want to build in a way which reflected the battle. Whoever applies for Penny (or possibly, completes Haigh) can determine the final location. The settlements north of the battlefield would not have been harmed by Bolton's forces (or at least not as destructively).


Lord Paramount of The Riverlands
Quick update:
  • Mountains have had perlin bands applied to them, I think it's pretty cool looking and I refuse to do anything more with them :D

(For future reference if anyone is redoing the mountains along the riverlands vale border feel free to overhaul those in lolliston too)


Staff member
Quick update:
  • Mountains have had perlin bands applied to them, I think it's pretty cool looking and I refuse to do anything more with them :D

(For future reference if anyone is redoing the mountains along the riverlands vale border feel free to overhaul those in lolliston too)
Agreed, they look pretty great, nice work!

There is an unofficial Clans of the Mountains of the Moon project (or series of projects) which may eventually address these mountains, but it won't be until after 1.18.


Lord Paramount of The Riverlands
Screenshot 2023-06-09 at 11.png
Okay with the town done the main thing left is the castle!
Here is an image showing what is completed (green) and what is WIP (yellow). The three main towers are furnished so I would say a majority of the work is done. However, the castle palette needs to be overhauled for like 80% of the castle.
The surrounding lands highlighted in yellow also have a lot to be done on them.

I don't know how long this will take but in the mean time it'd be great to get some post approval on the town and hamlets of the project :)


Lord Paramount of The Riverlands
I've also finished the buildings surrounding the castles. However, I'm now a bit stuck until we get FAWE back up and running as I would be more comfortable placing trees with schematic brush or a similar alternative.

On top of this Ant's septry is still in progress and unless he is gone for a significant time I wouldn't want to overstep and complete it for him.

Would it be possible to get some post-approval in the works. I will start working on the wiki info.
Also could I start applying for a new project?


Staff member
Thanks for the update! I'll take some time this weekend to have a look around. Considering you're stuck at the moment due to technical limitations I don't see why you couldn't get started on a new application, good luck!


Staff member
Hey Waz, I'm happy to post approve the project excepting the clearly unfinished parts which are:
- The town septry
- Terra round the castle

Hopefully you will get around to this once FAWE is back. Antony are you still working on the septry?


Lord Paramount of The Riverlands
Hey Waz, I'm happy to post approve the project excepting the clearly unfinished parts which are:
- The town septry
- Terra round the castle

Hopefully you will get around to this once FAWE is back. Antony are you still working on the septry?
Hell yeah Dutch, you have been a really helpful mod through this lengthy project, your insight into the lore of ASOIAF is second to none :)

Emot has updated me that schematic brushes might be back sooner than FAWE so I’ll get on the terra hopefully this month!

I’ve communicated with Ant and he seems pretty busy but may be able to come on the server this week and make some notes of his plans so someone can continue his good work. In reality I think I may do this or may even section up some buildings for some trusted builders to do.

It will put a bit of a halter on me building every plot in westeros though :D


Lord Paramount of The Riverlands
So it seems some drama went on in Sweetwillow septry last night. Drama that I really don’t appreciate.

Now, I have been on this server for longer than most of the active builders… I have seen people banned for horrid and disrespectful things and I have seen people get mad over other peoples stylistic choices. I want to make it clear I still log on to the server so I can have some fun doing a hobby that has made me many close friends and gave me great relief from stress, the last thing I want to deal with is people acting in a childish manor over how certain blocks were placed.

Sweetwillow septry was plotted and largely built by Ant, I was and am extremely pleased with what he did and the glow up the build received, it was my original intention that I would have no part in the septry and he would finish it.

However, after a couple months hiatus on my side I returned wanting to finish my project of 6-7years. When i got the castle completed, Ant hadnt been on and i learned from several builders that he intended to be away for longer.

So, I contacted Ant, initially I told him that i’d be happy to wait on him but it would be good to know his plans, and we discussed the septry a bit. In the meantime i worked on another project application, after I finished that I returned to Ant. We agreed that I could take over and that he was super chill about it and he even recommended some builders that could help me with the septry which was nice of him. However, I decided to start the septry myself for something productive to do on the server and Awb asked me if he could help with some interiors and buildings, I agreed and was actually very happy with his work.

Now this leads me to last night. Batel messaged me that Ant was unhappy with the build, I received 13 messages from Ant which (im not trying to drag you under the bus Ant its just true) were frankly quite rude and disrespectful towards the work Awb and I had put in. I settled this amicably and told him that i’d be happy to implement some of his changes in the morning. Meanwhile Batel and Awb were having a bit of back and forth over Awb’s ints that I (the project lead) had already approved. I cant speak fully for Awb but I believe this was very frustrating and upsetting for him to have his work… undermined by someone with no actual connection to the project.

…but while I was offline I learned that Ant or Batel on the behalf of Ant had left a ton of melons around the entire septry. Now melons are part of our process I get it, but I had already confirmed with Ant that I would look over his inspiration document and make changes to the best of my ability out of respect for his original work. Upon reading these melons through images that were sent to me and on the server this morning I found that at least half of them were extremely nitpicky, I am happy to implement some of these changes but I think some builders need to realise that we are individuals with differences likes and dislikes there is not just one true way how to build… and i dont want your style forced on me and it can be very demoralising to have to read over 20 melons that are written in this manner. We are meant to be a warm welcoming community that celebrates inclusivity and diversity not one where someone is upset by less than constructive criticism.

My final point… also while I was offline the build was altered a balcony was changed into a overhang and at least from the interiors I did myself i can see have been altered in minor ways. Let me be clear, Lolliston is my project, sweetwillow is part of that project and as i took over the septry i expect all members to respect the builds within those boundaries. If you have a suggestion make a copy of the build and do it on the copy. Never alter a build that has been approved already and is in production. In my mind this is paramount to griefing.

I honestly dont know what else to say this situation has honestly left a bad taste in my mouth over something I was enjoying. Can we please be more respectful in the future?


Lord Paramount of The Riverlands
Finally, I have resolved this issue amicably with Ant. He was very reasonable and I’m glad that we were able to work it out :)

Id like to take a moment just to say that im sorry for escalating this to the forums but i was really expecting this to be much more of an issue.

Hopefully the next post here will be my final one declaring the build completed :)


Lord Paramount of The Riverlands
The last couple days ive done a bit of a Lolliston speed run. Everything that i can remember being unfinished is now completed!

Some things aren’t exactly how i wanted them but considering all of my scripts and tools have changed since i first started the “redo” i think i did a good job.

Tomorrow i’ll go through and look through everything.

I would like to say I put everything I had into this project I truly loved it and enjoyed our 7 years together. But none of this would have been possible without you all too.

Without the wonderful Ammika who dropped everything to build me hamlets,inns, houses and castle interiors. Arkil who discussed the direction of the redo with me. Wursti for being so enthusiastic and building a hamlet for me, Ant for redoing the septry when i had no energy for it, as well as Awb for completing some of the septry interiors.

Some special mentions: Estoop, Enah, Emot, Iwan and Carc <3

Thank you all.

I have most of the wiki written, but a disclaimer i refuse to make lots of alterations especially if they are kind of nitpicky :D (i dont have the brain power)

Finally, if anyone could get some shader shots that would be amazing (maybe with the castle and the lake behind it <3 )

Love - waz
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Lord Paramount of The Riverlands
Could someone add the warps marked in orange too? Im not sure where the server stands on custom hamlet names but ive seen some people use it so i thought i’d try it our.

Names mainly inspired by the Scots language and random “vibes” my partner got about the builds