So I was feeling like Sweetwillow was pretty dated as it was built during the 2018 KL redo and before a lot of newer town builds like Duskendale. So as town layouts go it's pretty much just a bunch of houses crammed together within a wall.
I definitely think that the houses need to be remastered and I'd like to take that opportunity to rejig the layout slightly and add some examples of raiding by the Lannister host.
I've made a new map layout that sticks to the location of the town but moves around the houses and takes away a lot of the features i feel made Sweetwillow feel rigid. I'm unsure if i should keep the palisade as it is likely they may have built one once the war started. (ALL feedback and criticism is welcome)
Here's my lil map:
To summarise

I definitely think that the houses need to be remastered and I'd like to take that opportunity to rejig the layout slightly and add some examples of raiding by the Lannister host.
I've made a new map layout that sticks to the location of the town but moves around the houses and takes away a lot of the features i feel made Sweetwillow feel rigid. I'm unsure if i should keep the palisade as it is likely they may have built one once the war started. (ALL feedback and criticism is welcome)
Here's my lil map:
To summarise
- I made the houses less packed
- I added an industry section at the south of the town so it is separated from most of the town (river boatyard) (barrel makers) and some other minor trades
- I removed the wall and gatehouses and replaced the one at the bridge with a tower/tollhouse
- I moved the town hall to be in the place of the holdfast (I will essentially merge these together) Having a town hall with a little courtyard
- I will also remove any evidence of the previous canonical burning of sweet willow other than the small graveyard of burned ruins by the southern peak ( i think this is a cool feature and lore on my part)
- The septry is exactly the same
- There was originally a dock running all across the green fork part of sweetwillow but i think i will make this smaller and reserve it as just a river boat building and light trading river port