Abandoned House Bullock by Pept1c


Okay I have finished the style guide, at least I think I don't need to add anything else, but do lmk if I missed something. I also just put signs down on all the plots with the professions, and considering that the plotting has been approved, am I allowed to open the plots now or does either WRMD or Endy need to look at it first? Aside from farmers the professions are:
Smith (makes farming equipment)

Since I didn't get an answer last time I would once again like to ask whether or not I have permission to go ahead with the farmstead as a mini or not?

To summarize, can I open the plots now or do you need to look at it? And can I have the farmstead as a mini?


Alright I've gone over the plotting and professions with WRMD, they said its fine, however they also said to check with Endy what he thinks, we built a test house down in the village to allow people to expand upon it. So yeah im basically just waiting for Endy to take a look at it. I finished the style guide aswell, taking inspiration from the gardens at Gaunt and Pyle. :)
Alright I've gone over the plotting and professions with WRMD, they said its fine, however they also said to check with Endy what he thinks, we built a test house down in the village to allow people to expand upon it. So yeah im basically just waiting for Endy to take a look at it. I finished the style guide aswell, taking inspiration from the gardens at Gaunt and Pyle. :)

Good work. Approved.


Alright update, after discussing it with Endy and Dragons I have decided to open up a mini! This will be a very small farmstead in the northern part of the Bullock lands, this shouldn't be anything major, perhaps an animal enclosure/pasture and a small house. I'll mark it out on the map incase anyone is looking to apply :)


I've started testing for the tavern at /warp razordawn My idea is they're marginally wealthier than the rest of the farmers at the village and their original household business is brewing hopless beer from leftover harvest grain and butchering animals (and maybe smoking meats) other villagers bring in. They keep some of the meat they butcher and, combined with their own poultry for eggs and garden produce, they can cook more food than the household itself needs and the tavern was essentially made as an outlet for that, and has now grown over the years and been moved to a new separate building.
I've also adjusted the planning of the tavern keeper's house and roof materials a bit by Anthony's suggestion.
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Street Preacher
I did a test for the farmstead of Bullock i post here some images


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Street Preacher
others screenshots


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alright for the tavern, I think it looks good, but I did leave some melons on your plot Razor, just some changes I would make, but yeah good work so far.
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And about the farmstead, this also looks good, it reminds me of where beorn lives in the hobbit for some reason. But one major change I would make is to move the storage inside the main building since there's a lot of space in there, you could split it up into 2 rooms, one for storage and one for living. Also the pig (i assume its pigs) pen is a bit weird imo, see if you could make it less high in a way, since tbh the pigs aren't really gonna be jumping around in there. And I would replace the stone wall with a hedge. But yeah I'd be happy to talk it over in-game with you if you want, I should be on later today.
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its been a while since the latest update but anyways, all of the houses are now finished and approved, and I'm starting the fields. And i also have a question for the mods, with both of my approving mods stepping down do i need to ask for new ones? or like how does that process work


Awesome! Is there anything we need to like discuss or? Since you're my new approving moderator I assume I should ask if you have any concerns about the project or anything like that


Staff member
I'll come on the server in the next few days to check out the project, but I trust endy's and wrmd's judgment for how the project has been going so far. Of course, if you have any ideas you'd like to run by me or questions, I'd love to help out :)


After a long break I have returned at last! I'm gonna try to be more active from now on and work on Bullock but we'll see, school and all might get in the way idk. Anyways in conclusion I'm working on the fields right now and I'm gonna try to work on the project more when I have time.