Update 2 BILION
OK i redid the castle... I still wasn't very happy with the one i had so i came up with this!
Inspo ((in Google Earth) Ill find it

OK i relize that its square so pls dont grate on me for that (pls) i mean it to be a square its a first men castles so i think that a square format would compliment their ancestory nicly. There are few details currently but i think those will come with gradeint.
The area to the left on the front side photo is going to be a walkway that loops all the way to the gate prolonging the time under archer fire. this area also near the end skinnys out so only three abreast can get through, so enough for wagons, but not for rams. Also the curve will make it hard for rams to get to the gate.
Doublegate: the area where the gate comes in and the second bridge/tunnel/chokepoint gives another layer to the defence. this area dosn't have a gate but its small enough for 2 men abreast which could make an extreme diffrence.
MainCourtYard: here i plan on normal courtyard stuff (small blacksmith shop, stables, well .ect)
as well as space for the commoners to hide in case of attack.
Outerwall: The keep is entirerly surounded by a wall along with three towers this makes it possible for many archers to fire and have a wide feild of veiw. The towers are positioned so that two would be able to fire at the most likely points of attack (the townside) and the third positioned next to the main gate. This tower would be able to fire in three directions hitting the enmey in the front side and rear. Also i plan that the bottom of each tower will be small gaurd barracks
Keep: I have heard that that first men castles are mainly motte and baillys so i tried to pull a more "redone" aproch to the castle Its in the shape of one long hall with two floors along with a side building (Yellow) for servants and storage!
Cannon Foder!: I need a barrack idk... i have three in the bottom of my towers which i dont think that will be enough soilders to defend the castle idk... help guys!