Dark greetings,
I've been mulling over the elevator at Castle Black and how much to use it as inspiration for the other castles like Nightfort and Eastwatch.

From my read of the canon, it looks like this elevator was more inspired by the show's depiction, rather than the books.
The books describe the Watch ascending up the Wall with a "winch cage".
Here's Tyrion's description:
- Cage is big enough for ten people at a time and at least four barrels of gravel
So bottom line, from my read of these quotes, it looks like we've differed from canon a bit with our interpretation. The way they describe the cage "swinging" in the breeze and bumping against the Wall indicates it's free hanging, without any wooden frame/shaft to guide it. It's just a cage attached to a chain, which is raised and lowered by a crane at the top of the Wal.

Something like this:
The actual winch mechanism is still unclear, there's no mention of whether it's a hamster wheel like in this example, or if it's a horizontally spun crank, or a more elaborate counterweight system.
I'm interested to get people's thoughts on whether I'm on the right track with this one.
The Wall Castle server build would give us a chance to update the Castle Black elevator if we thought it was critically necessary.
I'm not really in a rush to make any major changes to Castle Black. It's one of the oldest builds on the server (and I think the elevator was copied across from its first iteration) so I can understand if there’s a sentimental attachment which could take priority over the exact alignment with canon. I'd probably go with this cage crane interpretation at the Nightfort and Eastwatch.
I've been mulling over the elevator at Castle Black and how much to use it as inspiration for the other castles like Nightfort and Eastwatch.

From my read of the canon, it looks like this elevator was more inspired by the show's depiction, rather than the books.
The books describe the Watch ascending up the Wall with a "winch cage".
Here's Tyrion's description:
Sam's experience:A wooden stair ascended the south face, anchored on huge rough-hewn beams sunk deep into the ice and frozen in place. Back and forth it switched, clawing its way upward as crooked as a bolt of lightning. The black brothers assured him that it was much stronger than it looked, but Tyrion's legs were cramping too badly for him to even contemplate the ascent. He went instead to the iron cage beside the well, clambered inside, and yanked hard on the bell rope, three quick pulls.
He had to wait what seemed an eternity, standing there inside the bars with the Wall to his back. Long enough for Tyrion to begin to wonder why he was doing this. He had just about decided to forget his sudden whim and go to bed when the cage gave a jerk and began to ascend.
He moved upward slowly, by fits and starts at first, then more smoothly. The ground fell away beneath him, the cage swung, and Tyrion wrapped his hands around the iron bars. He could feel the cold of the metal even through his gloves. Morrec had a fire burning in his room, he noted with approval, but the Lord Commander's tower was dark. The Old Bear had more sense than he did, it seemed.
Finally a thick voice behind him said, "Seven hells, it's the dwarf," and the cage jerked to a sudden stop and hung there, swinging slowly back and forth, the ropes creaking.
"Bring him in, damn it." There was a grunt and a loud groaning of wood as the cage slid sideways and then the Wall was beneath him. Tyrion waited until the swinging had stopped before he pushed open the cage door and hopped down onto the ice.
One of Jon's ridesWithout the great stair there was no way to reach the top of the Wall except by the chain winch, however. And as much as Samwell Tarly hated steps, he hated the winch cage more. He always closed his eyes when he was riding it, convinced that the chain was about to break. Every time the iron cage scraped against the ice his heart stopped beating for an instant.
Other detailsHe found Leathers waiting for him by the winch cage. The two of them rode up together. The higher they went, the stronger the wind. Fifty feet up, the heavy cage began to sway with every gust. From time to time it scraped against the Wall, starting small crystalline showers of ice that sparkled in the sunlight as they fell. They rose above the tallest towers of the castle. At four hundred feet the wind had teeth, and tore at his black cloak so it slapped noisily at the iron bars. At seven hundred it cut right through him. The Wall is mine, Jon reminded himself as the winchmen were swinging in the cage, for two more days, at least.
- Cage is big enough for ten people at a time and at least four barrels of gravel
So bottom line, from my read of these quotes, it looks like we've differed from canon a bit with our interpretation. The way they describe the cage "swinging" in the breeze and bumping against the Wall indicates it's free hanging, without any wooden frame/shaft to guide it. It's just a cage attached to a chain, which is raised and lowered by a crane at the top of the Wal.

Something like this:

The actual winch mechanism is still unclear, there's no mention of whether it's a hamster wheel like in this example, or if it's a horizontally spun crank, or a more elaborate counterweight system.
I'm interested to get people's thoughts on whether I'm on the right track with this one.
The Wall Castle server build would give us a chance to update the Castle Black elevator if we thought it was critically necessary.
I'm not really in a rush to make any major changes to Castle Black. It's one of the oldest builds on the server (and I think the elevator was copied across from its first iteration) so I can understand if there’s a sentimental attachment which could take priority over the exact alignment with canon. I'd probably go with this cage crane interpretation at the Nightfort and Eastwatch.