Completed Application Thread: House Varner Redo by Jakethesnake


Hi all! Just checking with the mods about putting a reasonably well-sized septry here, its on the border between Lyberr and Varner and Emot and I have already spoken in game and allowed me to take up the space marked by a lack of grass.


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Donkey Lord
Staff member
I'm not a fan of a septry in that corner but agree that it should be used. There's a pretty big amount of faith locations in Varner, I thought so something secular would be nice. Could there perhaps be a landed knights house/farmstead (very poor nobles), or a falconry/hunting lodge? Or perhaps a stud for breeding and training destriers?


Nice work Guillard! I approve.

There are a few things left to do in Varner. We're here - the home stretch. I am opening up the remaining builds to be completed by anyone who wants them provided they ask me first and get my go ahead.

/warp violethall - interiors and detailing

/warp vfarmstead - the big house to the east of the warp needs to be finished off

/warp sapphoshire - a mill complex to the north and plots (do not require my go ahead)

/warp oakdale - farmstead mini (requires mod approval) and plots (do not require my go ahead)

/warp belleglen - farmer house interiors (do not require my go ahead)


Hi Jake, I finished the farmstead mini.
There are in total 4 buildings; the barn/storage area, small workshop that is also where the farmer does some butchering, a small house for the help and a large house for the main farmers family. I took inspiration for the main house of another build in Varner, but I diversified the exterior and interior, as well as added many differences.

I faced an issue that I addressed in the editors chat on discord which was that I couldn't place carrot crops on the farmland as it would disappear. I will let you know if its fixed or if the bug persists.

Let me know what you think and if there is room for improvement.
/warp Waltertheiii to see

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Hi Walter! Nice test. Here are my notes:

- Stick to more of an industrial feel (less separate buildings and more like a connected facility)
- Have some full stone buildings to make it look less like a hamlet and more like a farm
- The interiors could do with some work (no logs, fixing rafters)
- Currently the yard wall is very organic in shape - opt for a more rectangular form
- Make the slabs even on top of the wall
- The roof sloping needs to be more gradual as opposed to slab - stair try slab - full block - stair

Overall, the main house is good, the interiors upstairs feel a little cramped, but otherwise, no problems there. Work on implementing these points and I'll get back to you!

Good luck


It's done. I did it. I completed something :')

Yes, ladies, gents and everyone in between, Varner is complete and ready for post-approval. It's been a ride, and it is 1 day off being 2 years to the day I first applied for this project, so take that suckers, you can't say it took me 2 years to finish the project >:).

In all honesty, I'm very proud of this project, and I'm happy that I've created something I can take pride in. A massive thank you to everyone involved, I could not have done it without you all bringing your own ideas and innovations to my humble Reach build. Onwards to bigger and better things !

- Jake


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Alright, finally got around to post-approval.

Overall, fantastic job with this project - I know it was a bit of a rocky road, but it turned out to be one of the quaintest areas on the server! :D Really fun to explore. Here's my post-approval feedback, mostly minor stuff:

- There are a couple spots where the yard walls look a bit messy, mainly due to pebble blocks which I think can be toned down a little. I've marked these with melons.
- I'd recommend going through and retrofitting a couple interiors with the dark wattle where appropriate. I've meloned a couple houses where I think this should be done.

- Looks like there was a minor glitch with one of the vegetable patches; I've meloned it.
- Minor unfinished bit in the storage barn.

- I'd clean up the pebble layers in the roads a bit; it looks rather messy in some parts at the moment, and doesn't feel very contiguous with the surrounding builds which don't use this road style.
- I've meloned a vegetable patch which seems unfinished/missing crops (ignore if this was intentional)

- I'm not a big fan of the pyramid roof shape on one of the 45-degree houses that I've meloned. I'd try experimenting with alternative designs.
- Found an unfurnished shed in the septry.

- There's one particular house that I'm not sure about; I've meloned it in-game explaining in a bit more detail.

- I'd like to see the grass mix improved in a couple areas, such as the hills near the castle. Just making blocks like the "green scrub grass" and the heather a little less uniform in the mix using perlin noise. Hopefully this should be a pretty quick job.
- Make sure to clean up old warps (e.g. lesbos, varnerseptry, varnerhuntinglodge, varnercidery, varnerham1, varnerham2, varnerham3, etc.)

Otherwise, really nicely done - fix these things and I'm happy to post-approve! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about any of it.


Alright, finally got around to post-approval.

Overall, fantastic job with this project - I know it was a bit of a rocky road, but it turned out to be one of the quaintest areas on the server! :D Really fun to explore. Here's my post-approval feedback, mostly minor stuff:

- There are a couple spots where the yard walls look a bit messy, mainly due to pebble blocks which I think can be toned down a little. I've marked these with melons.
- I'd recommend going through and retrofitting a couple interiors with the dark wattle where appropriate. I've meloned a couple houses where I think this should be done.

- Looks like there was a minor glitch with one of the vegetable patches; I've meloned it.
- Minor unfinished bit in the storage barn.

- I'd clean up the pebble layers in the roads a bit; it looks rather messy in some parts at the moment, and doesn't feel very contiguous with the surrounding builds which don't use this road style.
- I've meloned a vegetable patch which seems unfinished/missing crops (ignore if this was intentional)

- I'm not a big fan of the pyramid roof shape on one of the 45-degree houses that I've meloned. I'd try experimenting with alternative designs.
- Found an unfurnished shed in the septry.

- There's one particular house that I'm not sure about; I've meloned it in-game explaining in a bit more detail.

- I'd like to see the grass mix improved in a couple areas, such as the hills near the castle. Just making blocks like the "green scrub grass" and the heather a little less uniform in the mix using perlin noise. Hopefully this should be a pretty quick job.
- Make sure to clean up old warps (e.g. lesbos, varnerseptry, varnerhuntinglodge, varnercidery, varnerham1, varnerham2, varnerham3, etc.)

Otherwise, really nicely done - fix these things and I'm happy to post-approve! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about any of it.
I've gone through and implemented most of the feedback here. My only thing about the building in Kerseyford is it's intended to stand out as a more industrial building against the backdrop of the idyllic village.

Also I did delete melons in a couple places where I addressed the feedback, but then realised you might not remember where you put them so I've addressed them but left the melons until you're happy.

I will work on the grass mix!

Thanks, Emot