the reach

  1. Contra

    Abandoned Project Application: House Leygood

    I would like to submit my application for House Leygood. Well no. It's been so long since I started that my original application isn't even on this forum. Things have changed from the above application. The biggest...
  2. A

    Completed Project Application: Durwell by an_escaped_duck

    Heres the document for posterity, please note that many things have changed. This project has been approved and is in progress. For all future minibuilds/feedback, please reply to this thread. List of all minibuilds: Forest holdfast + hamlet: In progress, by cl0udkid and GrayJedi. Knights...
  3. Pottman

    Abandoned Application for House Risley by Pottman

    Well, this fucking sucks. I guess I'll have to reapply, I already had Iwan's approval.
  4. Enah

    Completed Application for House Blackbar of Bandallon by Enahsian

    For posterity, since I hadn't had time to move my old app over. For the puprose of further changes to the project from this date forward. The castle and lands approved by EStoop and Tsarkaiser84, the Town of Blackwell approved by EStoop and AndyJones. So, yea, also I cannot link the app...