Search results

  1. CashBanks

    Block Change Request: Update to snowy thatch stairs

    Request: Update to snowy thatch stairs Request Type: Bugfix Describe the issue as detailed as possible, outline all the steps that lead to undesired behaviour. Include in which biome you have observed the effect. Include a screenshot of your video settings. Snowy thatch stairs currently...
  2. CashBanks

    Mid Block Change Request: Re-adding grass block with snowy sides

    Request: Re-adding grass block with snowy sides Request Type: General Addition Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. Pre-1.18, if a snow layer was placed on top of a regular grass block, the sides of the grass block would...
  3. CashBanks

    Holiday Contests 2023 - 1.18 + New Server, New Spawn

    Hello Westeros! It's been too long since we put our building skills to the test, so to make up for lost time, we're launching two contests to ring in the new year. Contest #1: 1.18 New Hotness Our upgrade to 1.18 has brought a slew of new features for builders to play with. The Cycler tool lets...
  4. CashBanks

    Castle Black - Update Thread

    Dark Greetings. To cap off the Wall Server Build I'll be looking to apply the pro forma updates to Castle Black that we've made to the other castles. CB was one of our earliest completed castles, so aside from adding the new blocks/cycler options, there's also the chance a piece of canon or two...
  5. CashBanks

    Now Accepting Submissions for SUMMER 2023 Rookery!

    We're now accepting submissions of any type for the Summer 2023 issue of the Rookery! These could include: Project spotlights OPINIONS Community spotlights (for community members who have made a positive impact on the community) COOL SHADERS, renders, fan art, anything creative! Building/World...
  6. CashBanks

    Block Change Request: Horizontal 6 Sided logs

    Request: Horizontal 6 Sided logs Request Type: General Addition Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. 6 sided logs currently have a vertical log side texture, which make diagonals look a little odd. The alternative is...
  7. CashBanks

    Castle Black elevator

    Dark greetings, I've been mulling over the elevator at Castle Black and how much to use it as inspiration for the other castles like Nightfort and Eastwatch. From my read of the canon, it looks like this elevator was more inspired by the show's depiction, rather than the books. The books...
  8. CashBanks

    Eastwatch Project Thread

    Eastwatch-by-the-Sea Dark Greetings! Now that the Nightfort is getting close to finished, I'm proposing to make a start on Eastwatch under the server build umbrella. Gawain and Eag_inc have done some great tests for the build along with a mini. Since they're both presently occupied I've...
  9. CashBanks

    Happy Holidays 2022 - Festive Contests and Mini-Games 17 December

    You're invited!
  10. CashBanks

    Wall Castle Renaissance Update Thread

    Dark greetings from the Wall! From the outset of the Nightfort Server Build, one of the core goals of the project was to see the entirety of the Wall finally completed to current server standards. Once and for all. Some of the Wall Castles date back to the earliest days of the Server. So, much...
  11. CashBanks

    Greenseers/Three-Eyed Crow's Cave discussion

    Hi all, just starting a thread for this to kick-off some discussion. As part of the North Week, I put together a semi-full scale version of the Three-Eyed Crow's Cave (TECC) at /warp ravenhunt . I had a go at making it consistent with canon, I've copied out the book quotes below with relevant...
  12. CashBanks

    Thing That Came in the Night Competition

    Dark greetings from the Wall! The Nightfort is home to many myths and legends, the Rat Cook, Mad Axe, fighting hellhounds. One of the spookiest is "The Thing that Came in the Night". According to the wiki Long ago, multiple apprentice boys at the Nightfort claimed to have seen something which...
  13. CashBanks

    Winter 2021 Rookery Submissions OPEN!

    How is the year almost over already?! Anyway, we're now accepting submissions of any type for the Winter 2021 issue of the Rookery! As usual, submissions can include: Project spotlights Community spotlights (for community members who have made a positive impact on the community) Shader pics...
  14. CashBanks

    Westeroscraft 10 Year Anniversary Celebrations Schedule

    Join us in celebrating TEN YEARS of WesterosCraft. Whether you're a current builder, a returning visitor or a retired veteran, we invite you to join the party. The celebrations will take place over SEVEN weeks - one week for each of the Seven Kingdoms. Each week's events will be be themed around...
  15. CashBanks

    10 Year Anniversary Video

    Hi all, we've got just about a month before the 10 year anniversary kicks off, we're overdue for a big video show case. This MC Middle Earth 10 Year Anniversary video is great insp for the style and level of effort we should be aiming for. We've played around with some ideas for recreating...
  16. CashBanks

    Fall 2021 Rookery - Opinion Polls and Submissions OPEN

    We're now accepting submissions of any type for the Fall 2021 issue of the Rookery! This edition we want to include the results of some fun opinion polls, follow the link here to vote. (Spoiler warning for the poll questions). As usual, submissions can include: Project spotlights Community...
  17. CashBanks

    Block Change Request: Snow and Ice stairs walls, slabs, fence

    Request: Snow and Ice stairs walls, slabs, fence Request Type: General Addition Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. Flagged in the Nightfort server build doc but formalising the request here for good measure. Snow...
  18. CashBanks

    KL Remaster Progress Update - Read if you are District Leader.

    Hi everyone, It's about time we touch base to quickly see how we're tracking with all the Districts so we can confirm which ones are ready for approval/chugging along/need some help. I've quickly copied out a list of all the Districts that appear to be in progress (let me know if I missed...
  19. CashBanks

    Shield Islands Terra Redo

    3/4 of the Shield Islands have been placeholder blocks for years, I'm thinking I could redo them in Worldpainter and paste them in Arbor style. _Simbaa and IMajic you've both explored some tests for these, do you think this would be the best approach?
  20. CashBanks

    Westeroscraft 10 Year Anniversary

    13 NOVEMEBER 2021 As you might've read in the latest Summer Edition of the Rookery we are planning to mark 10 years of WesterosCraft this November 13th. We want this to be celebration of everything this community's achieved over these years, and like with everything this server achieves it will...