Search results

  1. RavishMeRed

    KL Canon Roads Map and Changes

    Greetings everyone! The Kings Landing Steering Committee has created a document containing a map of all known canon roads. The document also includes relevant canon for the proposed locations of said roads, alleys, etc. The map can be accessed here - That being said, with this map comes small...
  2. RavishMeRed

    Approved Update Application: Flea Bottom, KL14

    Hello Everyone! Take a taste, you know you want to. Thanks, RavishMeRed
  3. RavishMeRed

    Flea Bottom Planning and General Style Discussion

    Hello everyone! I wanted to create a thread where we could discuss and underlining for style and planning of the Flea Bottom districts in the Kings Landing update. Due to the properties of Flea Bottom, I felt a general discussion should take place upon how the update should go and what would be...
  4. RavishMeRed

    Approved KL Update Application: District 16C

    Hello everyone! I submit my application for the Kings Landing Update: District 16C (a.k.a East end of Flea Bottom). For the current Flea Bottom style (includes pallets and materials) click here You can also see them in game at /Warp Ravish, at the NE section Thank you for your attention...
  5. RavishMeRed

    Probation: RavishMeRed

    Heyo! O/. Ready and eager to start probation!
  6. RavishMeRed

    RavishMeRed Builder Application

    What is your Minecraft username? RavishMeRed What is your age? 21-24 In what country are you living? United States Where did you first hear about WesterosCraft? Youtube What do you like the most about GoT/ASoIaF? The character arcs, lore/history, the medieval atmosphere; all great...