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  1. Homiesucc

    Approved House Bolling by Homiesucc

    IT IS DONE it is finally done ask me anything it is also 6am and I am very drunk so if ive made any mistakes, understand or perish
  2. Homiesucc

    Approved House Bolling by Homiesucc

    Bolling update 1: Dorne edition Before I address updates in planning of the project, I would first like to address misconceptions involving the Rainwood being burnt during the first Dornish war. In 8 AC the Dornish forces responded to Aegon destroying castles by setting "Half the Rainwood of...
  3. Homiesucc

    Approved House Bolling by Homiesucc

    Keep and village tests are pretty much done, please feel free to take a look on my plot
  4. Homiesucc

    Approved House Bolling by Homiesucc

    Okay so two potential castles for bolling, bran or a more eastern european keep with a wall, which do people think would be more appropriate?
  5. Homiesucc

    Approved House Bolling by Homiesucc

    Just from what I've seen of DD the castles look nothing alike, or at least I'd like to make it a lot more accurate sounds good
  6. Homiesucc

    Approved House Bolling by Homiesucc

    it might not have been you, someone definitely mentioned bran castle. Vodka addles my brain
  7. Homiesucc

    Approved House Bolling by Homiesucc

    I'm taking a small break from the server so ill show the tests soon, in terms of the castle, Bol's is really nice, just not nice for bolling imo. it uses the same insp as a castle on the opposite side of the stormlands, and as aeks has said bran castle would look nicer for where it is.Being more...
  8. Homiesucc

    Approved House Bolling by Homiesucc

    This is great fb guys, thank you. I know nothing about plants so this is really helpful
  9. Homiesucc

    Approved House Bolling by Homiesucc

    Clarification: keeping: Roads, mini locations, main hamlet location, terra, plotting adding: Roads, farm, hamlet and minis removing: the pigpen(?) between the village and farm changing: Style, keep, crops, banners, professions That's pretty comprehensive really. Again dont think of it as a...
  10. Homiesucc

    Approved House Bolling by Homiesucc Hope this works Going for an update, was a redo at the time of writing but check newer posts by me TESTS NOT FINISHED, WILL BE POSTED HERE WHEN DONE FEEL FREE...
  11. Homiesucc

    Under Review Project Annexation Application: House Brune of Brownhollow

    Simba, do you still plan on annexing Brownhollow? I'd like to apply for the lands if possible
  12. Homiesucc

    Immersion Build: Abandoned Holdfast

    ruin test suggested by endy
  13. Homiesucc

    Abandoned House Goode by Patrick_0901

    everything in goodeham1 is done as far as I can tell, any fb or post-approval by mods now would be appreciated
  14. Homiesucc

    Approved House Bourney by Flip and Guilix

    did I do the garden for the test? it looks familiar
  15. Homiesucc

    Nikas Kunitz Builder Application

    Also you need to really think about what region(s) your builds are taking place in. Every region has a unique style, or at least its supposed to. Just copy something british and theres a 5/8 chance your region takes inspiration from it.
  16. Homiesucc

    Immersion Build: Abandoned Holdfast

    Test done on my plot. A general complaint is the square nature of the castle but that's just how the real castle is and how scottish castles are in general, a lot of what I've seen are square or rectangular. The more I think about it its a problem with siberian castles too.
  17. Homiesucc

    Nikas Kunitz Builder Application

    The map looks good but you're using pretty outdated techniques like overhangs and fence windows. Use new or wip areas for your inspiration like the kl redo, goode, the tor, etc
  18. Homiesucc

    Immersion Build: Abandoned Holdfast

    Abandoned Holdfast by Homiesucc Introduction Hi, I'm applying to build the abandoned holdfast camped at by Tyrion, Jon and Benjen on their way to the wall in the early chapters of the first book. It has a semi-canonical location on the AWOIAF app. There is no information on which house may...
  19. Homiesucc

    Completed House Lonmouth by Jeff

    Farmhouse test done, /warp homiesucc
  20. Homiesucc

    Abandoned House Goode by Patrick_0901

    Ah I see what you mean. I agree tbh, the bubbly walls look strange