Search results

  1. Homiesucc

    Probation: tdlotrring

    Hi tdlotrring, welcome to the westeros building team, as I said on the server I'll be your probie leader. I'll give feedback on the houses you've done. you seem to have the hang of tagging your builds already so I won't bore you with that, just don't forget to tag your builds with your signature...
  2. Homiesucc

    blondie.b Probation Thread

    i think you should be banned forever
  3. Homiesucc

    Approved Update Application - KL2 by the weird russian lady

    also I think its a better idea to leave this part of the district out for whoever does kl3. the road is on a weird angle that if the person that does kl3 wanted to do the road differently they wouldnt be able to
  4. Homiesucc

    Approved Update Application - KL2 by the weird russian lady

  5. Homiesucc

    Medieval German Half Timbered - Deutsches Fachwerk

    funny german man does the funny german thing holy shit
  6. Homiesucc

    Approved Update Application - KL2 by the weird russian lady

    still doing this, just havent had time for fucking anything in ages
  7. Homiesucc

    Harrenhal Walls Team

    Add me you silly billy
  8. Homiesucc

    Probation: Frenci_George

    Hi Frenci With your most recent build in vinetown I'm convinced you've reached a level of building skill you can be proud of and that you can now go out into westeros and take on your own builds without my oversight or the need for my feedback. Congratulations and welcome to our group. From...
  9. Homiesucc

    Approved Northern Reach Megabuild "Springhamshire" (Tumbleton, Risley, Smithyton)

    did just want to say it seems like worldedit has fucked up some of the meadow fesque around aberfield? theres like 3-4 tall columns of meadow fesque in some of the gardens. removed everything i saw
  10. Homiesucc

    Block Change Request: Invisible signs

    made a quick texture for the signs so you can see what I mean VVV
  11. Homiesucc

    Margaery exposed #CancelMarge

    I saw Marge at a grocery store in Dudinka yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting...
  12. Homiesucc

    Completed Ferren (foster) by Finn01_

    I'll do it if noone else wants. not as like a taking up the foster just as like a quick fix.
  13. Homiesucc

    Probation: Frenci_George

  14. Homiesucc

    Completed Highgarden

    fixed the grass near the bridge
  15. Homiesucc

    DaeronTheDaring Builder Application

    The server prevents blocks from changing naturally since it would mess with a lot of stuff, for example fire doesnt spread, tnt doesnt explode, crops dont grow, etc
  16. Homiesucc

    Abandoned Update Application - Street of Flour

    Suggesting that there should be less thatch roofing in the street of flour. There's less thatch there in general due to it being higher class but I think there should be a noticeable lack of thatch roofing there, as fires in medieval cities spread mostly through flammable roofing materials (see...
  17. Homiesucc

    Probation: Frenci_George

    Apologies for the long delay, ive been busy irl recently. 10 and 11 have been meloned and I like the changes made to 9. I want to go through gardens a bit more with you. Also idk whats going on with your house in willum so if you or dany want to redo it ill melon it again once you finish
  18. Homiesucc

    How common are Godswoods?

    "The fact that many southron castles still have godswoods with carved weirwoods at their hearts is said to be thanks to the early Andal kings, who shifted from conquest to consolidation, thus avoiding any conflict based on differing faiths" -twoiaf "Most old castles had a godswood" - AFFC...