Freshly arrived from Essos and the dead respectively, Danaerys and Rhaegar Targaryen seize the Iron Throne

A kingly court was convened and titles and positions were selected for the King and Queen's most leal followers

Which was followed by a grand fest in Harlan's Court in Highgarden

But alas! Tragedy struck when an assassination attempt was enacted against Danaerys and Rhaegar by a cutthroat named Kulmen from Dorne!
"Help the poor man! Idiots! save your king!" yelled Margaery

The party rushes to the aid of the fallen Rhaegar while Danaerys escapes with mere flesh wounds

They carry Rhaegar's corpse outside where Andilee peforms blood magic to save his life
But while this happens the Seven Kingdoms fall into rebellion and each Kingdom descends into bouts of independence.

In the midst of this the wise and effermeral Margaery Tyrell seizes control of the Iron Throne and in her godly wisdom declares that the kingdoms may retain their independence but must all submit to an economic alliance of friendship of cooperation called the Westerosi Union or WU for short. Which Margaery assured the fetid and disgusting commoners would never fall apart and would remain strong forever.

Recovering in the Vale, Rhaegar hears of this and is aghast

But is assured by the amazing Magaery that the allience between the Tyrells and Targaryens still stands

All while fighting continues throughout the realm

The Westerosi Union 2019
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