Abandoned Update Application - District 32 - Pix & Shymon


Lord Lannister
Hello thecoddfish , Pixeld_ and I plan to lead district 32 of the KL update.

District Description
District 32 spreads under Visenya’s Hill and is bordered by the Blackwater Way from the east. As far as we know, the district is rather unimportant.

New Canon
As far as we know, there is no new canon for this district.

Current State of the District & Update Plans
The district is plagued by plotting issues and a lot of the houses need to be replotted; the houses have odd and outdated shapes. Houses around the graveyard need to be heavily adjusted because they don’t touch the graveyard wall and create awkward 1 block long backyards. There are certain parts with very dense thatch houses that need to be diluted.
Also, Pizza’s only house in King’s Landing happens to be in our district (marked with purple rect.), we do not wish to harm this rare gem and therefore we think Pizza should update the house himself.

Here's the map with houses sorted out:
(Red - Replot/extensive update, Orange - Moderate/bigger update, Green - Mild update, Purple - Special)
map kl32.png
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The Old Bear
I agree with your judgements on what is red/orange/green.

Can you expand on how you'd alter the graveyard, particularly how the surrounding houses will better connect with it.
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Lord Lannister
I agree with your judgements on what is red/orange/green.

Can you expand on how you'd alter the graveyard, particularly how the surrounding houses will better connect with it.

This was Pixeld_ 's initiative, and I agree with him. I think you should ask pix to elaborate on the matter.

...but from my opinion I think the adjustments don't need to be that big, I think we just alter the graveyard walls/plotting of the houses that surround the graveyard just so the walls and houses touch each other, just so there are no 1 block spaces.


The Old Bear
I think there was some confusion, somewhat on my part, about what constitued a 'red' and 'orange', and what this actually meant.

I agree with your efforts to cut back on the density of those clumps of houses, but rather than uprooting them all, I'd like you to remove the central houses of those 'clumps' and turn them into yards.

If you need to move those 'red' houses with WE to get access to them to adjust them to bring them up to standard, that's fine.

Otherwise, I would not be supportive of you continuing if you planned on totally stripping back these plots to their foundations.

I am happy to talk you through this in game.



Lord Lannister
I predict half of the red houses will be turned to orange overtime, the red were generally our impressions of the houses when we were categorizing them, I plan to nuke only those houses that are not going to be in the final form e.g. they will be turned into yards. I just need time with Pix to re-asses the houses and adjust the plots. I've began to mark the adjusted plots above the houses, this goes for the red and some orange houses. I'm obviously not gonna nuke all the thatch houses, first I have to untangle them and then adjust their plots and remove certain houses that shouldn't be there and turn them into yards to open up the space. I do this usually by cutting out the roof, so I can see the original shape.
But I can discuss this with you in-game, but not today (26/11/20) because it's late and I have to finish my history class project. We can meet tomorrow when you have time. ;)
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It wasn't definitely not my intention to strip all houses marked with red. I found it a little difficult to distinguish between red and orange, since each builder tackles a house on their own way and their own pace. Like Shymon said, a lot of the houses were all pushed against eachother creating weird alleyways and uneven yards. That's why we thought it was better to mark the house with red to give the builder more freedom to adjust the house accordingly. But maybe that's what we had to do first before marking them. It was never our intention to tear down any more houses than necessary.
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The Old Bear
Sounds good, I marked most with signs to say whether or not I agreed with the, being red.
Just as long as you are shifting things around so you have better access rather than just redoing, I will continue to be supportive.
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Lord Lannister
I'll get on the server later today because now I'm doing some computer trickery and I'll get my act together and start preparing houses for opening based on blocks instead of randomly picking houses.


Lord Lannister
Hi Veggie ,
The first block with revised markers is done and open, I hope the other blocks will continue in the same spirit.
You can see the results in the area covered by green glass.
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Street Preacher
... So I made a test of the orphanage, at /warp imic. I know it's been... quite a while, but it wasn't marked as being tested, and I went looking through the forums with no dice. So I made a test for the orphanage. I've made three or four tests previously over the last month or so, I'm more than happy to mess around with this to any degree necessary, but I'm sufficiently contented by this design to present it. Though I'm definitely not completely happy with it, if I don't present it at some point, I'm never going to. If anything approximating this design ends up getting used, the well may need to be moved though. Also, I had enough time building and demolishing blueprints of this bloody thing to come up with a novel of backstory that is entirely my own headcanon that no-one need take seriously, though I've decided to provide it because certain aspects of the design came to be shaped by these ideas.

The Orphanage was originally stitched together from two seperate buildings: a warehouse and an Inn. The Warehouse was built by a Lordling with lots of money and no common sense who built a big fancy warehouse in the middle of nowhere, diving it up to rent sections out to locals, before skipping town when the dept collectors came for him, because it made next to no profits whatsoever It entered an ownership dispute between the City's authorities and the (Now vanished) Lordling's family, whilst being used as a hideout for a criminal gang in the meantime. The Family got to keep it in the end, but it was no more profitable than it had been, so it ended up switching hands several times, before the last person to own it joined the faith. When he died, the faith inherited it, and they turned into a soup kitchen. Soon after, they turned the unused floors into an orphanage, partially so they had somewhere to dump the little gremlins and partially because the soup kitchen now had free labour under the thin guise of teaching the Orphans life skills, most of which consisted of cooking enormous quantities of soup.

The Inn belonged to a man with a son and a daughter, whose wife died shortly after birthing the son. The son got into frequent trouble with the law, and his relationship with his family became increasingly strained, until he was thrown out by his father after being caught stealing money from the Inn's profits. Despite the extremely minor presence of the Lord of Light at the time, the young man who showed up on their doorstep was penniless, alone, without meaning in life, and possessing a deep hatred for the only people in the world who might have cared about him. In his vulnerable state, he was easy to indoctrinate, and became one of few successful Westerosi converts at the time to the Lord of Light. Somewhere inside, he was trying to gain control over his life, mend his shattered and broken ego, and try to feel some sense of self importance after having ruined his own life, blaming his family for everything and turning his back on them. Meanwhile, back at home, the Sister's relationship with her father was straining, as she didn't want to marry and instead wanted to become a Septa instead to escape that life and her Father wanted her to marry. He only relented once his son took the path he did, as a middle finger to the son who would still come to the Inn to evangalize outside. Over time, however, the sister and Father mended their relationship, and when the Father died, he left the Inn, which would have otherwise been inherited by his son, to the Faith, as one last posthumous middle finger to his son. The Faith, delighted, converted the ~20 or so rooms of the Inn into four dorms divided by gender and age, turned the old common room into a feast hall, the old dorm in the Warehouse into a classroom, and the soup kitchen into... Well, still a soup kitchen, but now also feeding a significantly increased number of orphans. The sister ended up joining the Orphanage as a staff member and eventually the closest thing to a chief administrator that a Woman could reach, which may have been another middle finger that was requested of the faith by the deceased father, who included a sealed letter in his will the contents of which were only known to his daughter who wrote it since the Father couldn't write, and the Septon it was addressed to. The son shortly after departed the city for Essos in a fury, and was never seen on the continent again.

The current owners are a pair of twins (a brother and a sister), who grew up in the orphanage, joined the Faith once they came of age, and tried to mend the damage done by the previous operator of the Orphanage. The previous operator was a traumatised, crippled veteran of the War of the ninepenny Kings, who turned to the faith to try and deal with his mental health and guilt, but ended up being dumped in the orphanage where the other Septons didn't need to listen to his wailings and deal with his alcoholism. When the Twins came of age, they joined the Orphanage's staff, working to improve conditions for the children and try and ensure that none of the orphans would have to go through what they went through ever again. Once the old operator passed on, the Faith appointed them as joint operator. Although technically the brother is sole operator, it's an open secret that he'd be incapable of running it without his sister, and she would be incapable of running it without him. There were allegations of them being incestuous lovers at one point, but these didn't last long, being replaced with allegations of lesbianism from the Sister, which although much more convincing were never technically proven. During the sack of King's Landing, the Twins and staff barred the entrances to the warehouse before the Lannister soldiers reached the orphanage, sheltering the Orphans as well as many neighbours let in using roped in the Orphanage until the chaos had died down. This is probably the least important part of the very unimportant novel I have written about this building, but I wanted to have some peace of mind to know that I wasn't building a murderhouse-style Orphanage and that there were even slightly reasonable people running it. Maybe this was too optimistic, and I should have included some murder to keep within the spirit of ASOIAF, but uh... I haven't thought this far ahead, I'm just writing out of my ass now tbh. I'm going to stop now before this gets any more awkward.


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Lord Lannister
... So I made a test of the orphanage, at /warp imic. I know it's been... quite a while, but it wasn't marked as being tested, and I went looking through the forums with no dice. So I made a test for the orphanage. I've made three or four tests previously over the last month or so, I'm more than happy to mess around with this to any degree necessary, but I'm sufficiently contented by this design to present it. Though I'm definitely not completely happy with it, if I don't present it at some point, I'm never going to. If anything approximating this design ends up getting used, the well may need to be moved though. Also, I had enough time building and demolishing blueprints of this bloody thing to come up with a novel of backstory that is entirely my own headcanon that no-one need take seriously, though I've decided to provide it because certain aspects of the design came to be shaped by these ideas.

The Orphanage was originally stitched together from two seperate buildings: a warehouse and an Inn. The Warehouse was built by a Lordling with lots of money and no common sense who built a big fancy warehouse in the middle of nowhere, diving it up to rent sections out to locals, before skipping town when the dept collectors came for him, because it made next to no profits whatsoever It entered an ownership dispute between the City's authorities and the (Now vanished) Lordling's family, whilst being used as a hideout for a criminal gang in the meantime. The Family got to keep it in the end, but it was no more profitable than it had been, so it ended up switching hands several times, before the last person to own it joined the faith. When he died, the faith inherited it, and they turned into a soup kitchen. Soon after, they turned the unused floors into an orphanage, partially so they had somewhere to dump the little gremlins and partially because the soup kitchen now had free labour under the thin guise of teaching the Orphans life skills, most of which consisted of cooking enormous quantities of soup.

The Inn belonged to a man with a son and a daughter, whose wife died shortly after birthing the son. The son got into frequent trouble with the law, and his relationship with his family became increasingly strained, until he was thrown out by his father after being caught stealing money from the Inn's profits. Despite the extremely minor presence of the Lord of Light at the time, the young man who showed up on their doorstep was penniless, alone, without meaning in life, and possessing a deep hatred for the only people in the world who might have cared about him. In his vulnerable state, he was easy to indoctrinate, and became one of few successful Westerosi converts at the time to the Lord of Light. Somewhere inside, he was trying to gain control over his life, mend his shattered and broken ego, and try to feel some sense of self importance after having ruined his own life, blaming his family for everything and turning his back on them. Meanwhile, back at home, the Sister's relationship with her father was straining, as she didn't want to marry and instead wanted to become a Septa instead to escape that life and her Father wanted her to marry. He only relented once his son took the path he did, as a middle finger to the son who would still come to the Inn to evangalize outside. Over time, however, the sister and Father mended their relationship, and when the Father died, he left the Inn, which would have otherwise been inherited by his son, to the Faith, as one last posthumous middle finger to his son. The Faith, delighted, converted the ~20 or so rooms of the Inn into four dorms divided by gender and age, turned the old common room into a feast hall, the old dorm in the Warehouse into a classroom, and the soup kitchen into... Well, still a soup kitchen, but now also feeding a significantly increased number of orphans. The sister ended up joining the Orphanage as a staff member and eventually the closest thing to a chief administrator that a Woman could reach, which may have been another middle finger that was requested of the faith by the deceased father, who included a sealed letter in his will the contents of which were only known to his daughter who wrote it since the Father couldn't write, and the Septon it was addressed to. The son shortly after departed the city for Essos in a fury, and was never seen on the continent again.

The current owners are a pair of twins (a brother and a sister), who grew up in the orphanage, joined the Faith once they came of age, and tried to mend the damage done by the previous operator of the Orphanage. The previous operator was a traumatised, crippled veteran of the War of the ninepenny Kings, who turned to the faith to try and deal with his mental health and guilt, but ended up being dumped in the orphanage where the other Septons didn't need to listen to his wailings and deal with his alcoholism. When the Twins came of age, they joined the Orphanage's staff, working to improve conditions for the children and try and ensure that none of the orphans would have to go through what they went through ever again. Once the old operator passed on, the Faith appointed them as joint operator. Although technically the brother is sole operator, it's an open secret that he'd be incapable of running it without his sister, and she would be incapable of running it without him. There were allegations of them being incestuous lovers at one point, but these didn't last long, being replaced with allegations of lesbianism from the Sister, which although much more convincing were never technically proven. During the sack of King's Landing, the Twins and staff barred the entrances to the warehouse before the Lannister soldiers reached the orphanage, sheltering the Orphans as well as many neighbours let in using roped in the Orphanage until the chaos had died down. This is probably the least important part of the very unimportant novel I have written about this building, but I wanted to have some peace of mind to know that I wasn't building a murderhouse-style Orphanage and that there were even slightly reasonable people running it. Maybe this was too optimistic, and I should have included some murder to keep within the spirit of ASOIAF, but uh... I haven't thought this far ahead, I'm just writing out of my ass now tbh. I'm going to stop now before this gets any more awkward.
The test looks rather splendid from the picture, I'll check it later today in-game and I'm looking forward to approve.

P.s. I like the level of enthusiasm put into this. ;)


Hey Shy!

I have an exterior test for the apartment complex in your district. (details and main floor gradient to be added later). You can view my test @ /warp vinnie if you like. Meant to let you know about this months ago. Anyway, let me know if you like.


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Lord Lannister
Hey Shy!

I have an exterior test for the apartment complex in your district. (details and main floor gradient to be added later). You can view my test @ /warp vinnie if you like. Meant to let you know about this months ago. Anyway, let me know if you like.
Oh yes, I like it based on what I see in the picture. I will check it in-game mayhaps later today or tomorrow morning.


Lord Lannister
Oh yes, I like it based on what I see in the picture. I will check it in-game mayhaps later today or tomorrow morning.
I apologize for not checking it. :/
I though I would have time the next day but it turned out quite busy, and now I probably won’t have time until the end of next week. I will try to squeeze in a little while to check it next week, but if I don’t, I will make sure to check it when I return home after 28. August.


I apologize for not checking it. :/
I though I would have time the next day but it turned out quite busy, and now I probably won’t have time until the end of next week. I will try to squeeze in a little while to check it next week, but if I don’t, I will make sure to check it when I return home after 28. August.
No worries. I'll be away from the server for a number of weeks most likely. I'll be back soon. While I'm gone, others are welcome to adopt the build on my plot or submit there own. :)
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Lord Lannister
Hey Shy!

I have an exterior test for the apartment complex in your district. (details and main floor gradient to be added later). You can view my test @ /warp vinnie if you like. Meant to let you know about this months ago. Anyway, let me know if you like.
After checking it in-game, I only have one piece of feedback;
I don't think there's a need for the middle enterance to the yard, the one under the D&W building is sufficient enough. I would like to know what's the purpose of the space marked with orange exclamation sign, because if it's not something important, then I would just have it as a regular room.
Screen Shot 2021-08-29 at 11.40.29.png

Other than that, I'm just gonna approve it.
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Hey Shy! Thnx for taking a look! Each tunnel is more or less options/ experiments. However, if you're happy with the one on the left, then say no more! Cant wait to come back on and paste it in. Maybe in a few more weeks. (^-^')
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