Hey Everyone!
Today i apply to redo the two South Cape wrath Projects, Herston and Horpe.
I apply under the Redo Clause b)
b) Inadequate Canon Clause: If the build under consideration objectively lacks important canon, which directly impacts the planning or style of the build, it may be allowed to be redone. For this to be satisfied, the claimant must prove unambiguously that a substantial amount of canon has been missed. The claimant's case will be assisted if it can be shown that this lack of canon was understood to be an issue before they intended to apply for redo.
[UPDATE (12/16/18)]: Redos will be tentatively allowed for builds which get new canon in new publications, but giving mods the right reject these on a case-by-case basis depending on circumstances.
Canon Issue:
“Cape Wrath is dominated by the rainwood, which includes Mistwood in the south of the forest and Rain House at its eastern edge. South of the forest is a broad plain. The prosperous Weeping Town sits along the southern shore of Cape Wrath, as do numerous villages.”
~A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Right now There is a Forest Along the Coast and there is no broad Plain in all Projects along south Cape Wrath south coast. The Biome Should Switch and the Grass mix needs an update. Also there should be a Main trading Road between Stonehelm and Weepingtown.
Trees should only appear near the Rainwood Border. The Area will be one of the Main Farming areas in the Stormlands.
This Project will be a Small mega proejct to create together with stonehelm, Weeping Town, and now Greenstone a nice and connected area along the South Coast of the Stormlands.

The Plan is to put Herston on the West and Horpe to the East. Between these two Houses we place Greenpools. A Knight wich is not located on our Map yet.
My app is basicly done. I will apply after Greestone is 100% approved and after we discussed this redo Appeal !
Greetings Jeff !
Today i apply to redo the two South Cape wrath Projects, Herston and Horpe.
I apply under the Redo Clause b)
b) Inadequate Canon Clause: If the build under consideration objectively lacks important canon, which directly impacts the planning or style of the build, it may be allowed to be redone. For this to be satisfied, the claimant must prove unambiguously that a substantial amount of canon has been missed. The claimant's case will be assisted if it can be shown that this lack of canon was understood to be an issue before they intended to apply for redo.
[UPDATE (12/16/18)]: Redos will be tentatively allowed for builds which get new canon in new publications, but giving mods the right reject these on a case-by-case basis depending on circumstances.
Canon Issue:
“Cape Wrath is dominated by the rainwood, which includes Mistwood in the south of the forest and Rain House at its eastern edge. South of the forest is a broad plain. The prosperous Weeping Town sits along the southern shore of Cape Wrath, as do numerous villages.”
~A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Right now There is a Forest Along the Coast and there is no broad Plain in all Projects along south Cape Wrath south coast. The Biome Should Switch and the Grass mix needs an update. Also there should be a Main trading Road between Stonehelm and Weepingtown.
Trees should only appear near the Rainwood Border. The Area will be one of the Main Farming areas in the Stormlands.
This Project will be a Small mega proejct to create together with stonehelm, Weeping Town, and now Greenstone a nice and connected area along the South Coast of the Stormlands.

The Plan is to put Herston on the West and Horpe to the East. Between these two Houses we place Greenpools. A Knight wich is not located on our Map yet.
My app is basicly done. I will apply after Greestone is 100% approved and after we discussed this redo Appeal !
Greetings Jeff !