Approved Project Application: House Stackhouse by chep4007


Hey. I am sorry for my late response, but unfortunatelly I wont be able to finish this project. My priorities went somewhere else and so I missed lots of new style requirements and standards. This projects requires full redo and unfortunatelly I am unable to do so. Thank you very much for help to everybody who conributed.

Best regards


Street Preacher
Hello all,

Just wanted to let you know I will be applying for a redo of Stackhouse, I just need to finish my document and make some tests!



Friends, Builders, Wanderers, Travellers.

Yesterday, after many years, I've paid a visit to Westeros Craft and got hit by intensive wave of nostalgia. Had a chat with some amazing people and even built a house after a while.
Today I returned to Stackhouse and to my astonishment - the castle stands just as I abandoned it years ago. I've wandered around the barren and unfinished lands of this astonishing little houseland and paid a visit to some of my beloved projects that i had the honor to participate on.

A glimpse of something struck my mind. So i made a little detour on my pilgrimage to /warp build and aaaaaall the way down of the abandoned and unfinished board i found this:


This sign made me so excited that i have decided to at least try to get to know the ropes of server building again, to learn the new ways and to return back to my long lost child Stackhouse.

This might be a long process, i need to build a lot, apply for some minis (so if there are any suggestions i am fully open) and i would welcome some coach to teach me the new ways of recent building standards. But If my motivation prevails and the desire to finish Stackhouse wins over all the life struggles i am going through, Stackhouse will be redone.

The lord of Stackhouse has returned.
With love from



Donkey Lord
Staff member
Okay so there was some talk on the server chat I wanna chuck on here for some discussion.

"House Osgrey once had four castles the greatest of which was Coldmoat, they held the land from Nunny to Cobble Cover and controlled the towns of Dosk, Little Dosk and Brandybottom, as well as the caves at Derring Downs, they also held both sides of the Leafy Lake and the Horseshoe Hills"
"The Horseshoe Hills are a series of hills in the Reach. They are part of House Webber's holdings. They once belonged to House Osgrey, after Ser Eustace Osgrey married Lady Rohanne Webber they may or may not belong to House Osgrey once again. They are coveted by Lord Stackhouse."
-Wiki of Ice and Fire, referencing the Sworn Sword.

Soooo, basically there's a few conflicting parts I've talked about with chep. Basically what we assume happens after Sworn Sword affects how this region might look and where some things are. Currently the castle is located on the Horseshoe hills, which could have happened if Stackhouse gets some of the Webber lands after Rohanne Webber/Lannister disappears. This assumes she and Eustace have no children, and no other children of hers are mentioned besides Lannisters.

I'd presume Rohanne would have kept Coldmoat as a personal possession in the match with Gerold Lannister and only after her disappearance would the Reach lords have parcelled it up.
On the server atm we have Standfast and Coldmoat in the colours they appeared in during the Sworn Sword. Therefore a scion of Weddell Webber, cousin to Rohanne, likely received part of the lands (since I doubt they would have gotten away with all of them).
Now, how this is relevant to Stackhouse is that Lord Stackhouse coveted them in circa 200 AC. I don't think there's been a big economic boom that could have sponsored the Stackhouses to build a new castle on land they didn't own 80 years before without the Westerosi equivalent of winning the lottery (inheriting the entire Webber-Osgrey lands at the time of Sworn Sword). What I do think is that they could be benefitting from the Hills and the caves of the Derring Downs to enlarge an existing seat further south-southeast of the hills themselves.