Hey Robin and Uthor,
Thanks for being patient! I wanted to give some time for others to give their impressions (and was also busy with block update stuff).
Overall I like your plans a lot so far, and have already worked with you in-game quite a bit.
Some minor feedback after giving the app another look-through:
- The main village near the castle looks a little bit too dense from the map, although based on your in-game tests it seems like you've already planned to cut down the density a little bit; is my understanding correct?
- I'd be careful to limit some of the visual detail/entropy in the style; I already gave the example in-game of removing some of the unnecessary diagonal facades for instance. I'd still like to work with you more on the roads, since the layering and pebble mix is a bit messy currently.
- Regarding the castle location: I could see an alternative vision where the castle is inland, closer to the foothills (especially if the idea is to leave the cliffs "natural" and have the castle be in the background instead). However, I'm also happy with the current location as it creates nice sightlines from the village and main road. The current position of the castle is actually slightly higher relative to the surroundings than the hill that you're referring to. It may be possible to add some more perceived verticality to the castle just by shifting the layout around a bit, making the inner yard and bergfried higher.
- An idea for the cliffside sept might be to combine the septon residence and sept into a quaint little cloister/garden complex (but not quite a septry).
- For the more rural areas of the project, I'd de-emphasize the individual yard plots for houses and focus on having a more continuous blending between the farmer houses and agriculture. /warp gaunt is a good example of what I mean.
Other than those things, you have my approval! Just need one more mod approval and then we can get the ball rolling