Hey Simb,
Sorry this took a while, but I've finally gotten to post-approval. puu.sh doesn't seem to be working right now, so I'm just going to leave melon stacks on issues I mention below:
- In the main village, there seems to be a house with floating dirt/gravel under a loft, presumably a mistake. I've indicated it with a melon tower. It seems to be a one-off thing (the other houses are all fine), but it might be worth poking around a bit more.
- In the hamlet to the north of the mill, there's a bit of the road which is made with the forest path blocks. Is this intentional, or leftover from when you were testing them?
- Also, a minor thing, but right near the above there's a fence next to the road, it'd look better with a little bit of grass growing next to it into the road (rather than a hard edge).
- The forests to the north and south still have a lot of rocks which use dark cobble, which need to be replaced with the terrainset variants. I recommend selecting the whole forests (or maybe in a couple sections), excluding anything which intentionally uses dark cobble. Be systematic about replacing every variant with the terrainset equivalent, including walls, stairs (you can get every direction at once using //replace <stair1> #id[<stair2>]), upside-down slabs, the full block you get when you stack two slabs together (which unfortunately is used in a couple schems...), etc.
- A couple more dirt/gravel errors at the coal camps in both the northern and southern forests.
- There's unused warps at /warp Ashhf2, /warp AshRingfort1, and /warp ashhf1. Can I remove them?
- There's a little section of the road between the Kingsroad and Ashwood that seems like it was accidentally painted over (the dirt slabs are still there, but the road is not).
Other than those things, excellent work!

I love how the project turned out, it's really brought a lot of immersion to the eastern barrowlands and WH surrounds. Once you fix the above issues, I'll post-approve.