- This is more than 3 years old and certainly not up to date anymore. Porting the entire thread for transparency, however.
@5605300 said:
House Selmy
Harvest Hall
"A hall to die in, and men to bury me.
I thank you, my lords...but I spit on your pity...I am a knight...
I shall die a knight."
- Barristan Selmy
A project Application by IwanDeLarch
Table of Contents
I Background Information
A The Selmys
B Harvest Hall
C Dornish Marches
II Inspiration
III Plans and Layouts
A Location
B Layout
C Surrounding Area
D Tests
IV Conclusion
I Background information
Harvest Hall is a castle in the Dornish Marches and part of the Stormlands. Lord Arstan Selmy of Harvest Hall is one of the Marcher Lords.
On WesterosCraft, Harvest Hall has first been applied for Oct. 26th 2012 by myself. The keep and town have been finished by June 18th, 2013. Surrounding areas have not been started due to the switch to a new map.
A House Selmy
A Wiki of Ice and Fire
House Selmy of Harvest Hall is a noble house from the Stormlands. Its seat is Harvest Hall. They blazon their arms with three stalks of yellow wheat on brown.
According to semi-canon sources, House Selmy are only landed knights. However in the appendix of A Dance with Dragons, the head of the house is listed as a full lord, making the Selmys marcher Lords.
The known Selmys during the timespan described in A Song of Ice and Fire are:
- Lord Arstan Selmy, Lord of Harvest Hall.
- Ser Barristan Selmy, his great-uncle. Barristan the Bold, a member of the Kingsguard.
Ser Lyonel Selmy was the Knight of Harvest Hall and the father of Ser Barristan Selmy.
House Selmy supports Renly during the War of the Five Kings.
The Citadel
House Selmy, who are landed knights [are Bannerman of House Baratheon.]
The Selmys have their seat, Harvest Hall, in the Dornish Marches
B Harvest Hall
A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Harvest Hall is the seat of House Selmy in the Stormlands. It is located in the Dornish Marches and is near the eastern border of the Reach. The vicinity of Harvest Hall is arable and produces more crops than most regions of the Stormlands.
According to semi-canon sources, House Selmy are only landed knights. However in the appendix of A Dance with Dragons, the head of the house is listed as a full lord [...].
The marcher lords have a very strong martial tradition and have formidable castles, as they defended against Dornish incursions for thousands of years. Marcher houses include [...]House Selmy of Harvest Hall [...].
The Citadel
The house is led by a knight. [...]
For thousands of years, the marcher lords were the first line of defense against Dornish incursions, so they have strong martial traditions and some strong castles.
Dornish Marches Styleguide
Due to the frequent skirmishes with the Dornish, the Marcher Lords build more defence-oriented casltes than others. Emphasis on defence should face the south/which ever way invading Dornish would come from.
Include watchtowers in your projects -- think of those mountain beacon signals in LOTR.
Note: None of various other online sources added any further valuable information.
C The Dornish Marshes
A Wiki of Ice and Fire
The Dornish Marches is an area of the southwestern Stormlands bordering Dorne, the Reach and the Sea of Dorne. Its landscape includes plains and the northern Red Mountains. [...]
For over a thousand years the marches were common battlegrounds between the Stormlands, the Reach and Dorne [...].
[...] it serves as an effective buffer zone between the old enemies.
Dornish Marches Styleguide
The Dornish Marches are a mountain range separating Dorne from the other Kingdoms of Westeros. They are often in contest between regions [...]
The Dornish Marshes (lat. margo = "edge", "border") are a strip of land bordering the Reach in their west and Dorne and the Sea of Dorne in the south. They are part of the Stormlands.
They include vast plains and the fertile lands around the headwaters of the Cockleswent and the Blue Byrn and the northern parts of the Red Mountains, where the climate gets more arid and the ground is less fertile.
The most frequented road leads from the ruins of Summerhall to the northern entry of the Boneway in the Red Mountains.
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