LordUnicorn1023 Builder Application


It says I am still a builder in my profile, which is incorrect.



I was a builder here before but was gone for a long time so I'm filling out a new application. Originally, though, I heard about WesterosCraft from the PC Gamer magazine I believe.

LOTR (Books and movies) and the Hobbit (Not the movies)

Game of Thrones, Clash of Kings, Storm of Swords, Feast for Crows, Dance of Dragons

Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7

Patchface. What is there not to like about mysterious oracular Lovecraftian jesters? Perhaps a more serious answer would be Samwell Tarly. I think he is the most relatable character. He isn’t a brave hero or battle-hardened commander, but an intelligent man thrown into a bad situation, and he reacts like honestly to it. He is not stoic, but afraid. His arc is also one of the best because again, in my opinion, it is the most “honest.” He reminds me of myself a bit, and I also kind of regard him as the G.R.R.M. self-insert. I don't like what the show did to him though, as usual. (I still like Patchface as well.)

I have an interest in practical military architecture and a good knowledge of the elements of medieval castle design and their functions, as well as an interest in medieval history that translates well to my visual concept of the time period. I am also good at figuring out creative solutions with a lack of resources. Maybe not unique, but certainly a boon. I also have a love for writing and world building, so I like to believe I am a creative person in general.

I was already a builder here before so I would like to rejoin. The reason I left was because I had computer troubles for a while so I wasn't able to play. But besides that, G.R.R.M. has created such a fantastically realized world that the ability to translate it into something physical (virtually physical I suppose) feels nearly an obligation. I love the series, and I've been playing Minecraft since the start, so I know no better way to combine my favorite interests! The feeling of seeing a piece of art (and I consider MInecraft builds an artform) built piece by piece by a dedicated community, and then looking upon the finished product, is certainly a great feeling.

Application: https://imgur.com/gallery/zg9gOb3
Others: https://imgur.com/user/LordUnicorn1023

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The Old Bear
Have discussed any concerns in game, have bumped you back up to builder.

Be sure to attach yourself to a probation leader for your probation.