Approved KL Update Application: District 4, Old Court


Heya, I would like to apply for District 4 of the Kings Landing update/remaster. For this one I'm gonna be a bit more flexible with the extents of some of the houses especially since some of the district is wealther. However, I want to stress that I only condone the "nuking" or complete redoing of a house if you present me with sufficient evidence that it isn't salvageable. There are plenty of beautiful opportunities for builders to come out and try their hands at some special builds like the Maiden Septry and the City watch tower. Additionally, there are two communities within the district: A former walled village from before Kings landing and the Red Temple community around the shrine to r'hllor. Included is the map.
I hope that I can get rolling on this quickly so that we can open up plots for all and stop this nonsense of Plot rationing. :)

xoxo -Scub


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A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Hey Scub,
Great to see you're interested in leading this district, there's a lot of cool elements.

I was going to ask you for a little more detail on your plan for the Walled Village and the R'Hllor Shrine, but can see you've added some more detailed notes in game already.

I'm guessing the Walled Village might be tricky. I'm imaging that there will be a handful of old houses from the original village that have then been expanded/replaced, plus new ones built between them to fill in the gaps?

Might be good to do an example of what those original houses will look like (could use it as a guide for others working on them).

The R'hllor shrine is another interesting one. I'm kind of surprised Red God worshippers can get away with such open worship almost right across the road from the Septry of the Maiden. Could be an indicator that the block around it is occupied by Essos families/merchants/traders? Could use that as moderate style influence for them.

Perhaps since the Faith of the Seven Septry is so close you could look into making it more of a secret, underground R'Hllor shrine? Here's an IRL Secret Pagan Shrine in Rome that might be some inspiration. The Shrine could be below the square with just a nice/innocuous chimney/statue above it. Just a thought, I could be overestimating the influence the Faith would have and the need for secrecy.

Anyway, seems like you've got a handle on things so I'm good to approve.


Hey Scub,
Great to see you're interested in leading this district, there's a lot of cool elements.

I was going to ask you for a little more detail on your plan for the Walled Village and the R'Hllor Shrine, but can see you've added some more detailed notes in game already.

I'm guessing the Walled Village might be tricky. I'm imaging that there will be a handful of old houses from the original village that have then been expanded/replaced, plus new ones built between them to fill in the gaps?

Might be good to do an example of what those original houses will look like (could use it as a guide for others working on them).

The R'hllor shrine is another interesting one. I'm kind of surprised Red God worshippers can get away with such open worship almost right across the road from the Septry of the Maiden. Could be an indicator that the block around it is occupied by Essos families/merchants/traders? Could use that as moderate style influence for them.

Perhaps since the Faith of the Seven Septry is so close you could look into making it more of a secret, underground R'Hllor shrine? Here's an IRL Secret Pagan Shrine in Rome that might be some inspiration. The Shrine could be below the square with just a nice/innocuous chimney/statue above it. Just a thought, I could be overestimating the influence the Faith would have and the need for secrecy.

Anyway, seems like you've got a handle on things so I'm good to approve.
Thanks for the Approval! The plan is for the houses around the R'Hllor Shrine to be Essosi immigrants that form a small community around the shrine. I am going to keep the open air shrine but be on the lookout for some more devious doings in the area ;). The Walled Village will be lots of houses with additions and some evidence of old defensive walls possibly. I plan on making a guide for the specific areas as well as the district and will put up plot markers for you to check before I open.


Hey Scub,
Great to see you're interested in leading this district, there's a lot of cool elements.

I was going to ask you for a little more detail on your plan for the Walled Village and the R'Hllor Shrine, but can see you've added some more detailed notes in game already.

I'm guessing the Walled Village might be tricky. I'm imaging that there will be a handful of old houses from the original village that have then been expanded/replaced, plus new ones built between them to fill in the gaps?

Might be good to do an example of what those original houses will look like (could use it as a guide for others working on them).

The R'hllor shrine is another interesting one. I'm kind of surprised Red God worshippers can get away with such open worship almost right across the road from the Septry of the Maiden. Could be an indicator that the block around it is occupied by Essos families/merchants/traders? Could use that as moderate style influence for them.

Perhaps since the Faith of the Seven Septry is so close you could look into making it more of a secret, underground R'Hllor shrine? Here's an IRL Secret Pagan Shrine in Rome that might be some inspiration. The Shrine could be below the square with just a nice/innocuous chimney/statue above it. Just a thought, I could be overestimating the influence the Faith would have and the need for secrecy.

Anyway, seems like you've got a handle on things so I'm good to approve.
Plots are ready for your approval before I open them up to builders.
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A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Hey sorry have just been a bit busy to take a look in game til now.

I'm on board overall with the plans, I'm just wondering how you'll avoid nuking some of these houses with their proposed new plotting. Some of the orange plots have different shapes/cover multiple houses, so they'd basically have to be nuked?

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Hey sorry have just been a bit busy to take a look in game til now.

I'm on board overall with the plans, I'm just wondering how you'll avoid nuking some of these houses with their proposed new plotting. Some of the orange plots have different shapes/cover multiple houses, so they'd basically have to be nuked?

View attachment 8373
I had a few instances where I used orange instead of red. I fixed those so it reflects the changes.


hellloo, this is my application for one of the plots in the Red Temple : the StoneMason. I tried to make it look a bit different than a "basic stonemason" with the use of red sandstone. Indeed, I thought that it was a good idea to show that the owner makes lord of the light dedicated sculptures. I also took the Inspo from some tests that are being made for the sort of sculpture in the center of the temple. anyways, I hope you'll like it :)
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hellloo, this is my application for one of the plots in the Red Temple : the StoneMason. I tried to make it look a bit different than a "basic stonemason" with the use of red sandstone. Indeed, I thought that it was a good idea to show that the owner makes lord of the light dedicated sculptures. I also took the Inspo from some tests that are being made for the sort of sculpture in the center of the temple. anyways, I hope you'll like it :)
View attachment 9459View attachment 9460View attachment 9461View attachment 9462
Approved. Its pasted in and I went thru to leave feedback :)
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Street Preacher
Hi ! This is my application for the spicer of the red temple square. I tried to keep as much as i could of the original build's layout and design as the plot was marked slight update.


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