What is your Minecraft username?
What is your age?
In what country are you living?
Where did you first hear about WesterosCraft?
Don't Remember
What do you like the most about GoT/ASoIaF?
La historia antigua: La era del amanecer, La edad de los héroes, Valyria, Rhoynar... Sobre todo lo que se ve en A world of ice and fire
What is your favorite build on our server?
Bastión de Tormentas: Storm´s End
Why do you want to join our server?
Me encanta construir, y ademas tengo experiencia en construir castillos, fortalezas y todo lo medieval/fantástico

Did you follow the application rules?
You know nothing, Jon Snow
What is your age?
In what country are you living?
Where did you first hear about WesterosCraft?
Don't Remember
What do you like the most about GoT/ASoIaF?
La historia antigua: La era del amanecer, La edad de los héroes, Valyria, Rhoynar... Sobre todo lo que se ve en A world of ice and fire
What is your favorite build on our server?
Bastión de Tormentas: Storm´s End
Why do you want to join our server?
Me encanta construir, y ademas tengo experiencia en construir castillos, fortalezas y todo lo medieval/fantástico

Did you follow the application rules?
You know nothing, Jon Snow