- Pronouns
- he/him
What is your Minecraft username?
What is your age?
In what country are you living?
United States
Where did you first hear about WesterosCraft?
What do you like the most about GoT/ASoIaF?
I've not read the books but have watched the entire GoT series more than once. To me this is more a question of what don't I like about GoT (looking at you, Season 8).
All seriousness, the immense depth and breadth of the GoT universe is what fascinates me most. All facets of the story seem to have a history, most of which deeply rooted in spiritual belief. Nothing has ever really stimulated my imagination like this series has.
Of course my favorite character is Jaqen H'ghar (username is a dead giveaway). Why exactly? The red god always has his due. A man couldn't think of a more fascinating way to serve than carrying out assassinations like the members of this mysterious guild do.
Favorite battle? Definitely Battle Of The Bastards. Wildlings teaming up with Jon Snow, Wun Wun storming the gates of Winterfell taking a million arrows, all capped with the enormously satisfying scene of Jon Snow turning Ramsay Bolton's face to pulp. AWESOME.
Fun fact, I've successfully recreated the lemon cakes that Sansa Stark loves so much. They are confirmed delicious.
What is your favorite build on our server?
The Vale. Literally everything about it. The terraforming in that region is simply mind blowing. I'm a former downhill ski racer so the mountains are my happy place. Walking thru that terrain just bring back so many good memories. The amount of detail that went into that build is nothing short of incredible.
It's also amazing to see how fortified the Eyrie truly is. Truly impregnable (sorry, Bronn...no way you and 10 good men with climbing spikes are getting to that).
Why do you want to join our server?
I've spent a few weeks on the server just roaming about on the Kings Road and the Eastern Road, chatting it up with the rest of the builders along the way. I'm drawn to the talent and camaraderie that people on this server possess. Learning to build seems like a fun challenge to take up as well. Couldn't think of a better environment to use as a creative outlet for that endeavor.

Did you follow the application rules?
You know nothing, Jon Snow
What is your age?
In what country are you living?
United States
Where did you first hear about WesterosCraft?
What do you like the most about GoT/ASoIaF?
I've not read the books but have watched the entire GoT series more than once. To me this is more a question of what don't I like about GoT (looking at you, Season 8).
All seriousness, the immense depth and breadth of the GoT universe is what fascinates me most. All facets of the story seem to have a history, most of which deeply rooted in spiritual belief. Nothing has ever really stimulated my imagination like this series has.
Of course my favorite character is Jaqen H'ghar (username is a dead giveaway). Why exactly? The red god always has his due. A man couldn't think of a more fascinating way to serve than carrying out assassinations like the members of this mysterious guild do.
Favorite battle? Definitely Battle Of The Bastards. Wildlings teaming up with Jon Snow, Wun Wun storming the gates of Winterfell taking a million arrows, all capped with the enormously satisfying scene of Jon Snow turning Ramsay Bolton's face to pulp. AWESOME.
Fun fact, I've successfully recreated the lemon cakes that Sansa Stark loves so much. They are confirmed delicious.
What is your favorite build on our server?
The Vale. Literally everything about it. The terraforming in that region is simply mind blowing. I'm a former downhill ski racer so the mountains are my happy place. Walking thru that terrain just bring back so many good memories. The amount of detail that went into that build is nothing short of incredible.
It's also amazing to see how fortified the Eyrie truly is. Truly impregnable (sorry, Bronn...no way you and 10 good men with climbing spikes are getting to that).
Why do you want to join our server?
I've spent a few weeks on the server just roaming about on the Kings Road and the Eastern Road, chatting it up with the rest of the builders along the way. I'm drawn to the talent and camaraderie that people on this server possess. Learning to build seems like a fun challenge to take up as well. Couldn't think of a better environment to use as a creative outlet for that endeavor.

Did you follow the application rules?
You know nothing, Jon Snow