Approved House Santagar of the Spottswood - 7 and Steele


Hey everyone,

It’s with a heavy heart that I’ve decided to pause work on Spottswood. This was not an easy decision, but with no significant progress on the terraforming front, little response from KD (my co-lead) over the past few months, and the upcoming release of World Painter, I’ve realised it’s best to step back for now.

I went into this project with a lot of passion and ambition, but I may have underestimated how challenging the terraforming would be without sufficient support. I still believe in Spottswood’s potential and hope to return to it as soon as the tools and resources are in place to make the landscape work more manageable.

In the meantime, I’m eager to take on new projects with a focus on builds where the terraforming is simpler or already established. I want to ensure I’m contributing meaningfully to the server and applying my efforts where they can have the biggest impact.

Thank you to everyone who’s supported and contributed to Spottswood so far—I truly appreciate it and hope to revisit the project in the future.