Yeah just an update my mac died yesterday so am going to have it fixed :\ hopefully tomorow
So erenford
The warps are in place for the miniprojects and main area todo is the forest.
The big forest that covers my lands which is being done by waz
should be main focus as i would like this part done as cloudkid said he would do erenfordhamlet2.
Here’s a list of miniprojects todo :-
Erenfordhamlet1 - open for app (farming hamlet)
Erenfordhamlet2- open for app (logging hamlet)
Erenfordfarm2 -open for app
Erenfordmine - open for app but this will be alongside wazgamer because he is lead edit of this project and this area needs abit of we
Check the area before planning
also make sure you have read the original application to notice some details about the location such as the amount of houses and other buildings that i would like included in the area,
Also any feedback would be great at this stage of planning, as im not to sure is there should be any septrys or some small holdfasts but that may be to much as the lands are quite poor so ill leave that up to a mod