ChewyMan125 Builder Application


Cersei's Left Bob
Hey Chewy!

The house looks nice, good job. My only critiques would be the northern wood half doors at the fireplace, you don't really need it since there's stone on all sides. Then the glass flagon - I'd replace it with the pewter flagon, it's the version used all over Woodwright. Finally, the wooden structure holding up the roof tiles seems to be different in the Woodwright style. It should be separate individual rafters with a one block gap between them, rather than all wood. The area around the dormers could be done more elegantly as well. There are nice examples for all of this at the project so I'd recommend taking one more look.
All in all, I'm happy with your progress and I'll be glad to promote you to builder! Congrats and don't forget to make a probation thread :D