Fist of all I saw you already put a lot of thought into this app. It's an interesting region that could definitely use a bit more love, so thank you for picking up this project. While you are already off to a great start I think there are still quite some things that could be improved.
In general, I like the layout of the project. It's good that you try to balance out the agricultural and natural elements, without one overtaking the other. Don't forget to leave enough open space and try to plan them somewhat strategically. Good sightlines can do miracles for a projects immersion. I wouldn't go as close to the Twins as you do now. You'll risk getting a portion (part 10) of your project to be nuked and could hinder the server build around the Twins.
Houses: The new ones already look better. I love the first inspirational picture and would encourage you to plot it relatively the same (without the church of course). I would drop the painted palettes. Are they rich enough to buy the paint? Where do they get it? They seem to be in the middle of nowhere. This shoreline would be raided by ironborn so I don't know how much money people would invest in ornamenting their houses knowing it probably will be burned down by ironborn.
Village: I would put the village on a hill and a bit away from the sea, so they could better see the Ironborn coming and have some reaction time. I would make this a small village, somewhat clustered together so they could warn each other easily. It's nice to have a bigger village, but it doesn't make much sense for the region. There has already been a regional centre at seagard. Not sure we need one more at Chambers. There is a lot of beauty in a well executed rural project and they are among my favourites. Just look at Mallery for example. I would make the economic focus of this project mostly self sustain, therefor I would drastically reduce the port in size. Maybe even only one simple dock. Most boats would land on the beach, as Aeksio already explained. As Eld pointed out the region, probably, is quite stormy and you should try to reflect that in the style.
Holdfasts: The holdfasts seem ok. Maybe add one extra on the shoreline.
Septry: The peninsula doesn't seem to be too populated, so I would make it a smaller and poorer looking septry. It could be semi-defensive, although it's quite a bit inland already and I'm not sure the Ironborn would find it worthwhile the journey. Keep it small and simple. Definitely shouldn't look like a second castle.
Mill: As Eld pointed out a windmill wouldn't fit the regional climate. I find the example, Zso posted really interesting and would love to see it ingame. Might even steal it for myself. A water mill could also work, but definitely encourage you to try out that new mill design.
Castle: The castle in my opinion doesn't fit the local style (Freylands) well. Currently it looks more like something that would fit the Vypren/ Terrick region better. Maybe try to look at more coastal castles and their layout. The castle should be a lot more defensive, since the coast is known to be frequently raided by Ironborn. I would also like to see a palette test for walls and towers.
Terraforming: While the beaches you've tested for already look quite good, I would implore you to do some further research into coastal vegetation that would be fit for the region. You are the first one to do a project in that region and thus will set the example for the peninsula (not counting seagard because it's a bit outdated). I would leave more open space in between the coast and forests with bushes, shrubs and some trees scattered. For the forest doesn't forget to add a transition at the edges of the forests.
This is a very promising project! If you have any questions or want to discuss it further, let me know.