Search results

  1. Luk

    Block Change Request: Add useful texture for the iron trapdoor

    Request: Add useful texture for the iron trapdoor Request Type: General Addition Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. The iron trapdoor is currently unused in our RP. It could be very useful for things like nice...
  2. Luk

    Block Change Request: Add Legume plant

    Request: Add Legume plant Request Type: General Addition Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. The way we currently depict peas/legumes with the "pea" block, isn't really realistic to how legumes were grown in...
  3. Luk

    Approved Northern Reach Megabuild "Springhamshire" (Tumbleton, Risley, Smithyton)

    Northern Reach Megabuild by Luk I'm applying to redo both Risley and Smithyton, which both are abandoned. Clause C of the No-Redo-Rule applies in this case. Overview The Megabuild will consist of three projects in total: Tumbleton (already in progress), Risley, and Smithyton. The region will...
  4. Luk

    Block Change Request: Wattle Fence (Item Texture)

    Request: Wattle Fence (Item Texture) Request Type: Bugfix Describe the issue as detailed as possible, outline all the steps that lead to undesired behaviour. Include in which biome you have observed the effect. Include a screenshot of your video settings. I was always annoyed by the...
  5. Luk

    Wiki Wiki Submission for Pyle

    Pyle House Pyle The Crownlands Project Lead(s): Luk_emAn Build Type: Castle Warp: /warp pyle Project Application: Build Status: Completed Start Date: Dec 26, 2019 Completion Date: Oct 11...
  6. Luk

    Project Application: Tumbleton

    Hey guys, here it finally is: my application for Tumbleton. Also, here are the full size images if you want to see them in detail: Enjoy!
  7. Luk

    Approved Tumbleton Redo Appeal

    First Battle of Tumbleton as depicted by Douglas Wheatley in Fire & Blood. Hi guys! I am appealing for Tumbleton to be exempted from the No-Redo Rule per clause 1(b) - Inadequate Canon. This thread is purely meant to highlight the reasons and information implying the consideration for a Redo...
  8. Luk

    Completed Project Application: House Pyle

    House Pyle by Luk_emAn Résumé: This would be my first solo project. Bandallon Septry Southern sprawl of Duskendale (coop w/ Xeson) including the forest to the south-east Waterman Hamlet 1 & 2 House Pyle is an orphan project. The original builder was ThaGonx. They haven't been active for...
  9. Luk

    Probation: Luk_emAn

    This is my probation thread.
  10. Luk

    Luk_emAn Builder Application

    19 Germany I heard of WesterosCraft by several youtubers a long time ago. I considered applying a few years back, but I didn't have a good enough PC. I like medieval, but ASOIAF is the only "Fantasy" i like. Game of Thrones Dance of Dragons All of the above I really like...