Search results

  1. Howy

    Abandoned Project Application: Weeping Town

    Here it is folks, what you've all been waiting for: Howy yet again putting himself through copious amounts of stress and agony because he must like it at this point. Application can be found here. This project is a redo project. Redo approval can be found here. Mamma mia, here we go again.
  2. Howy

    Approved Redo Appeal: Weeping Town

    Hey all! I am appealing for Weeping Town to be exempted from the No-Redo Rule per clause 1(b) - Inadequate Canon. I have received the permission and blessing of Pabs, the original builder, to redo the project. Please find the appeal here. For those unfamiliar with the process, the mod team...
  3. Howy

    Completed Project Application: Stoney Sept

    Link here for my project application for the town of Stoney Sept. The project was approved for redo under clause 1(b) of the No-Redo Rule.
  4. Howy

    Oldtown: Hightower and Battle Island

    Update 01/2021: Clarification: The information in this thread regarding the Battle Isle/Hightower Server Build is outdated and inaccurate. Thread kept alive for posterity. -Iwan Subproject Lead: Howy Subproject Information: Oldtown Document Canon Document Inspiration Folders Subproject...
  5. Howy

    Temporary Banworthy Offence: Star Wars Spoilers

    I didn't want to put this in News so here it is in Cannon Fodder... Until 21/12/2017 11:59PM EST, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" spoilers will count as an offence equal to spoiling Game of Thrones. This includes mentions or anything that could lead to the conclusion of a spoiler that is related to...
  6. Howy

    List of Schematic Brushes

    List of Schematic Brushes (command: /schbr &[id]): Trees: AleppoS AleppoM AleppoL AlderS AlderM AlderTallM AlmondS AppleS AppleM ApricotS AshS AshL AspenS AspenM BeechS BeechM BeechL BirchS BirchM Buddleja CitrusS CherryS ChestnutS ChestnutL CottonwoodS CottonwoodM CottonwoodL CypressS...
  7. Howy

    Dank meme

    Honestly I wanted to save this one on our new forum if we don't get the old one across
  8. Howy

    New Website Users Read This

    We won't have minecraft integrated for a little bit. Until then, as a substitute (if you so choose), you can do the following to have your MC skin face as your profile: Goto Minecraft Skin Stealer Search your MC username Your avatar should come up. Right click on the 'With Helm' image beneath...
  9. Howy

    List of Current Probation Leaders

    Batelgause Jakethesnake8_8 Jeffjunior77 JohanKR850 otty Homiesucc SseriousBusiness Rexstop15 DieWursttheke 7JG7 ViserysII These builders are the only people permitted to lead probations, aside from moderators.
  10. Howy

    Probationary Builders: Read this to learn about your probation period

    If you are reading this and are a probationary builder, congratulations and welcome to the team! You are now a part of the build team of WesterosCraft. After you have successfully completed all the challenges that moderators give you during your application process, please do the following...
  11. Howy

    MC Character Profile Integration

    Is it possible for us to integrate our Minecraft characters in the same or similiar manner the old Enjin website did (NameMC does it too)? (our amazing illblew might already be looking into it, but I'm suggesting it just in case). I didn't want to occupy the other thread too much, as this might...