Temporary Banworthy Offence: Star Wars Spoilers

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Royal Messenger
I didn't want to put this in News so here it is in Cannon Fodder...

Until 21/12/2017 11:59PM EST, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" spoilers will count as an offence equal to spoiling Game of Thrones. This includes mentions or anything that could lead to the conclusion of a spoiler that is related to Last Jedi (theories not included unless said theories rely on Last Jedi spoilers).

This is to avoid spoiling the movie for builders and visitors to the server, giving them ample time to see it. There were problems in the past and complaints with previous Star Wars movie premieres that spoiling the respective movie was not a ban-able offence (both from those who wanted it to be as much and those who got kicked/banned by grumpy mods who hadn't seen the film yet). This rule should provide some clarity for builders and visitors. After the above time, all spoilers will be welcome and okay as rules go.

Note that how strictly you're punished really depends on whether the punishing mod has seen it or not!
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