Search results

  1. Emoticone11

    Block Change Request: Leaf tip blocks

    Request: Leaf tip blocks Request Type: General Addition Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. Relaying a suggestion by Gawain: directional "leaf tip" blocks that can be used for trees or bushes, which would be custom...
  2. Emoticone11

    KL Remaster Updates

    Hi everyone, Given the flurry of recent activity in the KL remaster, we've decided to create a new thread for the purpose of more regular communication about the project, starting with an update about where the project currently stands. First, I'm pleased to announce that the project has...
  3. Emoticone11

    Block Change Request: Desaturated red/umber plaster and timber frame color

    Request: Desaturated red/umber plaster and timber frame color Request Type: General Addition Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. The two most common plaster/infill pigments (apart from white and brown) were umber...
  4. Emoticone11

    WesterosBlocks: Filling in the Gaps Part 1 - Update Guide

    The much anticipated "Filling in the Gaps Part 1" update is finally upon us! In order to help people get acquainted with the many new additions and changes in the update, this thread was created to serve as a general reference. Please read the following to learn about the highlights of the...
  5. Emoticone11

    KL Plotting Inspiration

    Thanks to Aino , Ric , and Batelgause for sharing some of the following city maps that can help serve as inspiration for plotting your KL districts. While some of them are a bit more modern than the medieval setting we base our server on, they still provide a good idea of how dense city blocks...
  6. Emoticone11

    Block Change Request: Timber Frame Improvements

    Request: Timber Frame Improvements Request Type: General Addition Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. Since an update to plaster and daub blocks is in the works, I think it would be an appropriate time to update our...
  7. Emoticone11

    Block Change Request: Better BetterFoliage leaf models

    Request: Better BetterFoliage leaf models Request Type: Change Try to describe all current uses of the block you request to be changed. Do you foresee any issues/ problems that could result from changing the block? I want to suggest a potential improvement for the leaf block models...
  8. Emoticone11

    Block Change Request: Dead versions of tall grass blocks

    Request: Dead versions of tall grass blocks Request Type: General Addition Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. This is something that would be quite nice for the snowy North, especially now that we have the ability...
  9. Emoticone11

    Block Change Request: Additional terrainset alts

    Request: Additional terrainset alts Request Type: General Addition Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. Some terrainsets (e.g. Reach, Westerlands) currently have subtle alternate sets that allow for striations and patterns...
  10. Emoticone11

    Block Change Request: Reach-Dorne transition block set

    Request: Reach-Dorne transition block set Request Type: Unique Addition (specific to a build, region, or culture) Describe the use of this block in said build, region, or culture. How is it unique? To the best of your knowledge how could it be used in a different context? Some builds on...
  11. Emoticone11

    The Future of WesterosBlocks

    As many of you know, development of the WesterosBlocks block pack has effectively been on hold for the last 2 years as a result of 1.18.2 migration efforts. But make no mistake: this was more than a mere migration update. Our custom block pack and resource pack has co-evolved organically with...
  12. Emoticone11

    Modular Schematic Scripts

    As a (delayed) christmas gift for y'all, I've created 243 scripts for automatically placing each of the up-to-date schemsets. You can see all the supported schemsets at /warp TreeScriptRepo. These scripts are modular, meaning that they can be freely combined with each other in any way, and...
  13. Emoticone11

    Power Smooth Script

    Tired of the standard Voxel erosion brushes leaving your terrain looking like this, forcing you to do a lot of tedious work by hand? Me too, which is why I created a script (attached) to help automatically smooth terrain, fixing most of the jaggies and other artifacts that are created using...
  14. Emoticone11

    Approved Southeastern Vale Megabuild (Wickenden, Ruthermont, Redfort, Runestone/Gulltown Peninsula) by Emoticone11

    AKA another thing to keep me occupied for the next 10 years... This megabuild consists of Wickenden (finished; just minor post-approval updates pending), Ruthermont, Redfort, Runestone, and Gulltown. The city of Gulltown itself will be a separate server build applied for at a later date...
  15. Emoticone11

    Striations Script

    Hi everyone, I'm uploading a possibly gamechanging script (see attached file) for doing realistic striation bands on rock cliffs and mountains. The script is based on Perlin noise. You'll need the Macro+Keybind mod to be able to run it. Here's an example of what it can do: Here's a quick...
  16. Emoticone11

    Project Categories

    The purpose of this guide is to enumerate all the types of projects that can be applied for, with definitions and examples for each. 1. Sub-Projects The following project categories are all subsumed under the leadership of a solo project (see below). Special Build A special build consists of...
  17. Emoticone11

    [Map Repository] Regional Substyle Guidelines

    This thread is intended for consolidating maps for various agreed-upon regional stylistic guidelines that are currently scattered across multiple threads. The thread will be locked to keep things organized, but I'll incrementally add maps here as people suggest them to me.
  18. Emoticone11

    Gulltown Peninsula Terrain Discussion

    Hey everyone, To close off Vale week, I'd like to open up a discussion about the terraforming of the Gulltown peninsula (on which both Gulltown and Runestone are situated) and try to crowdsource some ideas. It's no secret that I'm interested in a Southeast Vale megaproject encompassing this...
  19. Emoticone11

    KL Remaster Steering Committee

    Hey everyone, The KL remaster has been chugging along steadily and smoothly for the past few months. Overall, I've been impressed by the level of quality, and I think the district leader system provides a good incentive for people to put effort into polishing their little slice of KL. However...
  20. Emoticone11

    November 2021 Update Info Thread

    Hi everyone, Last week, just in time for WesterosCraft's 10th anniversary, we received a block update that added many new features to the game. People have already discovered most of these changes and have made some awesome uses of them already. In this thread, I'll discuss some of the...