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  1. IronGentleGiant

    enzine24 Builder Application

    My goodness Lord! I was trying to help this guy so much last night and asked Cash if we've any Korean Speakers and he said none. Thank the Gods and you Poseidon.
  2. IronGentleGiant

    enzine24 Builder Application

    영어를 잘 아는 친구가 있습니까?
  3. IronGentleGiant

    enzine24 Builder Application

    가장 좋아하는 ASOIAF 캐릭터는 누구이며 왜 그런가요? Who is your favorite ASOIAF character and why? 서버에 가져올 수있는 독특하고 흥미로운 기술이 있습니까? Are there any unique or interesting skills you can bring to the server? 이 서버에서 구축하려는 이유를 설명하십시오. 가능한 한 웅변해야합니다. Please explain why you would like to build on this server. Be as...
  4. IronGentleGiant

    enzine24 Builder Application

    답변되지 않은 몇 가지 질문이 있습니다. 한국어로 한 단계 씩 나열하겠습니다. There are a few questions that have not been answered. I will list them step by step in Korean.
  5. IronGentleGiant

    enzine24 Builder Application

    왕좌의 게임에서 가장 좋아하는 캐릭터는 누구입니까? Who is your favorite character in Game of Thrones?
  6. IronGentleGiant

    enzine24 Builder Application

    한국어로만 입력하면 내가 할 수있는 최선의 말을 번역하려고합니다. Just type in Korean and Ill try to translate what you say the best I can to help you.
  7. IronGentleGiant

    enzine24 Builder Application

    이봐 Enzine24!
  8. IronGentleGiant

    Completed Project/update application: Norrey

    Tá mo cheadú agamsa
  9. IronGentleGiant

    IronGiant's Seal Rock Application

    Background: Seal Rock lies on the outskirts of White Harbor. It is a massive stone dominating the approaches to the Outer Harbor. It is crowned with a ringfort of weathered stones of the First Men that stood desolate and abandoned for centuries. However, the Manderlys fortify it with...
  10. IronGentleGiant

    Completed Project application: Clan Knott By Johan

    Yes, Finally! Finally the wifi worked at this little cottage in the middle of no where! Hey Guys, and Johan, Sorry for being extremely in-active over the past few weeks. My internship/job is really taking a toll on me with the amount of work I have to do. Not just cataloging and documenting...
  11. IronGentleGiant

    Completed Project/update application: Norrey

    Howdy there. Sorry I've really busy with my internship this past week. Yeah the document is pretty much complete unless something is suggested or any else is needed.
  12. IronGentleGiant

    Completed Project application: Clan Knott By Johan

    I would like to build the Knott HF. Heres my plan for it as seen above and the structural layout as seen below. I decided to make it a first men ruin that was renovated into an Hold Fast. In the plan above the purple outlines are stables and according to Johan this area of Knott provides a bunch...
  13. IronGentleGiant

    Style [Inspiration] The North: Ringforts

    While working on a Seal Rock Ringfort mini on my plot I took the liberty to do some reasearch on Ringforts for inspirational purposes and so far I have found two scholarly articles and two non-scholarly articles on Ringforts. I know from my readings on the First Men that they may have built many...
  14. IronGentleGiant

    Probation: IronGentleGiant

    Probation Build 45 Region: The Riverlands, [Stoney Sept] Profession: Smuggler /warp SS Low-Urban Middle Class On the other side of the river opposite the docks.
  15. IronGentleGiant

    Probation: IronGentleGiant

    Probation Build 43 and 44 Region: The Reach, [House Tyrell of Highgarden] Profession: Vinter's Warehouse and Cutler /warp Highgarden
  16. IronGentleGiant

    Probation: IronGentleGiant

    Probation Build 42 Region: The Reach, [House Graceford of Holyhall] Profession: Butcher /warp holyhallvineyard status:approved
  17. IronGentleGiant

    Probation: IronGentleGiant

    Probation Build 41 Region: The Reach, [House Graceford of Holyhall] Beehives /warp holyhallbridge status: approved
  18. IronGentleGiant

    Probation: IronGentleGiant

    Probation Build 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 Region: The Reach, [House Graceford of Holyhall] Profession(s): Smith, Baker, Beekeeper, and Honey Processor, and a Farmer /warp holyhall /warp holyhallbridge
  19. IronGentleGiant

    Probation: IronGentleGiant

    Probation Build 35 Region: The Vale, [House Hersy of NewKeep] Profession: Blacksmith /warp Newkeepfarming