The Spring 2023 edition of The Rookery is now out! Take a look to see the latest builds, guides, progress and development updates on the upcoming 1.18.2 switch. You can read it here:
Nice to see you apply (finally :P)! CC and I discussed in-game and he’d like me to be the editor for this project. I think it’s a great opportunity for my first ‘job’ as there isn’t really any challenging terrain, and I can ease myself into the position. Happy to help you out, bud!
Now that I'm an Editor, I'd love to help out here in the North. I'm not entirely sure about the procedure for helping out if you're going section by section, or if you can just say "Here's an area I'm interested in updating and here are my plans" and then get to it.
- Jake
Just a note about the KL house, I didn't specify that the district is closed, so that's on me. However, you can still use your interior for your probation so I won't nuke it. No hard feelings, it's my mistake.
Good luck with your probation!
- Jake
Sounds good, I'll try and get to it by the end of the week.
One note to the mods, on the Varner-Newbarrel border, it's been pointed out to me that some of the border settlements have been affected by some worldedit from the beginning of the project (just some logs missing in trees, and a...
the on hold was a message when I was away a few weeks ago, and regarding abandoning Varner to pursue sweetsister, emot has indicated that he'd prefer me to finish this before moving on to other pursuits.
alright, the forests are done, the other terra is coming along nicely. ive moved a row of houses into the sky to give more space by the castle.
aino you could give a status update on your hamlet?
Hey! Thanks for the suggestions. I'd rather not flip the valley's direction, but if I have to, I can do. As for it connecting to the vale of Arryn, I understand your concern, but the road doesn't continue past the Holdfast, and the terrain is pretty rugged in the pass connecting the Vale of...
I'm applying for an immersion build (57th time's the charm eh?).
Happy reading
Hey people,
Ric_games and I are appealing for a redo of the island of Sweetsister under the clause that the build is not finished. There are markers for builds on the island, and a warp that has no build there (/warp Sunderland). Additionally, the island is out of canon, because the Belly of...
not sure if this is the right place for em, but I made some scripts based on information I found in this article (worth a read). feedback is welcome
heres images of the pastures
already fixed a couple issues, should work on non-flat terrain
so, the wetlands are getting redone, and I thought i'd just put some inspiration for the type of thing that'd form in a place like maidenpool.
I'm a fan of the river dee example, as it feel it represents maidenpools location most accurately.
can't wait to see what happens!
yeah sounds reasonable. i also could do w some advice on the current main village, which i think could be more urbanized than it is, but i know people are a fan of the spaced out feel the villages and hamlets have
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