Recent content by lavahunter92

  1. lavahunter92

    The Rookery — Summer 2022 Update

    Incredible, amazing read once again! Great work Rookery team!
  2. lavahunter92

    Completed Project Application - House Rousemont

    That's absolutely ok with me! Sorry for the inactivity, I would have liked to finish this project and be more active, but uni work just doesnt allow that... Hopefully the prep I did can help Shy along a little though.
  3. lavahunter92

    Completed Project Application - House Rousemont

    Exact same thing for me! After next monday I'll have a week off so I can continue the work I did. I've already plotted some stuff out so feel free to take over :) Hoping I'll have enough time to be on more frequently...
  4. lavahunter92

    Completed Project Application - House Rousemont

    Hey, here is my formal application for romocharcoal2. I have made two designs for the charcoal burners and made these according to my own historical research and independently from the rest of the server burners. I have also included the smoke clouds because charcoal burners were notorious...
  5. lavahunter92

    Probation: lavahunter92

    #8: Barn near Brandybottom. -7271, 62, 15038. /warp brandybottom
  6. lavahunter92

    Probation: lavahunter92

    #7: Hunters Hut near Hagsmire. -1216, 55, 4486 /warp hagsmire
  7. lavahunter92

    Probation: lavahunter92

    Note: While I was on vacation the ints and yard were done for me by someone else, I'm not sure who though.
  8. lavahunter92

    Probation: lavahunter92

    #6: Farmers house outskirts Duskendale. 4874, 60, 11240. /ddflaxfarm
  9. lavahunter92

    Probation: lavahunter92

    #5: Varner abandoned house. -2485, 53, 15640. /warp varner
  10. lavahunter92

    Probation: lavahunter92

    #4: Brandybottom Orchard Worker. -7222, 53, 15261. /warp brandybottom
  11. lavahunter92

    Probation: lavahunter92

    #3: Clennon Horsebreeder farmhand house. - 8238, 56, 243. /warp clennon
  12. lavahunter92

    Probation: lavahunter92

    #2: Starpike Farmer House -3482, 72, 19317 /warp starpikehf1
  13. lavahunter92

    Probation: lavahunter92

    #1: Rhymerton Farmer House, 207, 55, 17769 . /warp rhymerton
  14. lavahunter92

    Probation: lavahunter92

    Hey! This is my probation thread :)
  15. lavahunter92

    lavahunter92 Builder Application

    Hey, I just finished the ints for the build. Here is the link : I do really struggle with ints, so any tips are really welcome! I hope they turned out well this time. I also worked quite a bit on the outside, I think it looks better than my last try. I'm looking forward to see what you think...