Recent content by Flip90

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    Approved House Bourney by Flip and Guilix

    Here goes round 2 all feedback is appreciated. App
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    Approved House Bourney by Flip and Guilix

    Hey everyone Guilix and I have to decided to apply for House Bourney in the Riverlands. Here is the to the application. Feedback is welcome from all, thanks for reading!
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    Game doesn't start with liteloader installed.
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    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    So I made some changes to the shapes of the tents to smooth them out abit. I’m not sure in the angled one so lect me know what you think.
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    How to install the Macro Keybind mod in 1.12.2

    What step did you get to? Are you using the custom launcher? Do you have any other mods active that you can remov?
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    Abandoned Project Application: Clan Burley by Joseidon

    Ok ready for feedback, i left a question above the water. Lmk Flip
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    Abandoned House Goode by Patrick_0901

    Hey Patrick great app, one question. I’m not a mod or had an app approved before so not sure if this feedback is of any use but I would be interested in seeing some tests on how the river/lake banks will look along with some inspiration images. It would help people with over riverlands projects...
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    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Hi Lem! Here is my app for HVHUNTER here is two tents, a cart that they would use to bring back the hunt, some meat hanging to let the blood drop out so its ready for butcher, and then a small canopy over a small butchering station. find at /warp Flip Thanks - Flip
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    Approved Project Application: House Cobb by InvertedWinger and JJLyric

    Hey Inv, JJ and Luk. I used the feedback and remade parts of my farm test. I was unsure on the material choice for the main barn building so I made 1 half out of stone and the other with daub and wattle. (One of the feedbacks was to not use more then 3 materials, so i assume you don't want the...
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    Abandoned Project Application: Clan Burley by Joseidon

    Second bump. I would prefer to discuss in game but can try put together a more detailed plan if you cant get online to discuss it.
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    Abandoned Project Application: Clan Burley by Joseidon

    Hey CashBanks I wondered if you missed this, I would prefer to discuss in game but can try put together a more detailed plan if you cant get online to discuss it.
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    Approved KL Update Application, District 23B "Pigrun Alley, and Livestock Market"

    Hey jmc. I just made a copy of the Westeros craft texture pack and deleted everything so now I have a test "overlay" pack. Here just made a quick retexture of stone_andesite.png for this test but you can make a texture for any block in the Minecraft folder I'm not sure on the custom blocks...
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    Approved KL Update Application, District 23B "Pigrun Alley, and Livestock Market"

    jmcmarq I saw you message in chat asking for a daub block with wattle material. I made this in 30 seconds what do you think. Its just the daub block with the wattle fence on top. Was something along these lines what you are aiming for? I don't know the rules on editing the texture so hope...
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    Flea Bottom Planning and General Style Discussion

    Here's some insp for the back alleys going up the the side of hills in some areas.
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    Abandoned Project Application: Clan Burley by Joseidon

    Updated map with Cross through the ruins, after I spoke to Jose in game. Possible enlarging of the the pastures but cant really tell yet because of the terra work is still needed. I will fit the pastures to the terrain, not the terrain to the pastures.