Homie is back to destroy everything you love
District Description:
District 2 contains the northern portion of the street of seeds, close to the Gate of the Gods.
New canon:
"If King's Landing mourned its dead boy king, Jaime would never have known it. On the Street of Seeds a begging brother in threadbare robes was praying loudly for Joffrey's soul, but the passersby paid him no more heed than they would a loose shutter banging in the wind. Elsewhere milled the usual crowds; gold cloaks in their black mail, bakers' boys selling tarts and breads and hot pies, whores leaning out of windows with their bodices half unlaced, gutters redolent of nightsoil. They passed five men trying to drag a dead horse from the mouth of an alley, and elsewhere a juggler spinning knives through the air to delight a throng of drunken Tyrell soldiers and small children."
This is the only time the street of seeds is ever mentioned
District's current state:
Currently, the district is majority just houses, with no real sign of the street of seeds.
Update plans:
The district may need to be heavily replotted to better include the street of seeds, per Rav's advice. The houses along the wall also need to be replotted, per Alex's advice, and the houses along the kl1 border need to be replotted to create more cohesion with Alex and Endy's district, per Rav's advice.
The plan currently is to replace the buildings along the road with a grain exchange and granaries complex, with inns for the farmers, and some stables/cart storage areas. The heart of kl2 will be a market hall thing, per Ark and Rav's advice.
The style of kl2 is cobblers, as already decided by the mods, however i would like to argue for some inclusion of square style 1, so the change between kl1 and kl2 isnt so jarring. I would also like to increase the heights of the houses along the gods way, since the houses along the gods way in kl1 are ludicrously tall. Generally the rest of the houses can be "salvaged" - Rav
Endy has also made some plot suggestions which i intend to follow

Any questions?
District Description:
District 2 contains the northern portion of the street of seeds, close to the Gate of the Gods.
New canon:
"If King's Landing mourned its dead boy king, Jaime would never have known it. On the Street of Seeds a begging brother in threadbare robes was praying loudly for Joffrey's soul, but the passersby paid him no more heed than they would a loose shutter banging in the wind. Elsewhere milled the usual crowds; gold cloaks in their black mail, bakers' boys selling tarts and breads and hot pies, whores leaning out of windows with their bodices half unlaced, gutters redolent of nightsoil. They passed five men trying to drag a dead horse from the mouth of an alley, and elsewhere a juggler spinning knives through the air to delight a throng of drunken Tyrell soldiers and small children."
This is the only time the street of seeds is ever mentioned
District's current state:
Currently, the district is majority just houses, with no real sign of the street of seeds.
Update plans:
The district may need to be heavily replotted to better include the street of seeds, per Rav's advice. The houses along the wall also need to be replotted, per Alex's advice, and the houses along the kl1 border need to be replotted to create more cohesion with Alex and Endy's district, per Rav's advice.
The plan currently is to replace the buildings along the road with a grain exchange and granaries complex, with inns for the farmers, and some stables/cart storage areas. The heart of kl2 will be a market hall thing, per Ark and Rav's advice.
The style of kl2 is cobblers, as already decided by the mods, however i would like to argue for some inclusion of square style 1, so the change between kl1 and kl2 isnt so jarring. I would also like to increase the heights of the houses along the gods way, since the houses along the gods way in kl1 are ludicrously tall. Generally the rest of the houses can be "salvaged" - Rav
Endy has also made some plot suggestions which i intend to follow

Any questions?