Hi everyone! this is my application for the KL district 7, hope you like it!
King’s Landing District 7 by Joseph
Put the Tyrell manse thereHello everyone! I'm glad to announce that the district 7 has been growing perfectly since my last post, also I would like to thank everyone who showed interest on the district (probies and builders in general) thanks for their interest and dedication within the district
But there's still job for me to do with some current open plots, such as the wealthy manses/manors who resides up to Hill of Rhaenys. These complex of houses are now open for testing to anyone who is interested. I'm not expecting larger or big manors with stone walled gardens (like the area is described) due to the lack of space given, so just try your best <333.
In addition I'll post pictures as main inspiration for the interiors and for some exteriors on the district discord channel (KL7) they don't need to look exactly like in the picture they are mostly as a reference. Again if anyone is interest I'll appreciate their tests <333
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The blue marked area (lapislazuli) is where these complex of manors should be.
Best regards
- Joseph Lady of Kings Landing
A Tyrell manse sounds interesting indeed, it shall be unoccupied but not abandoned. I'll try to save a plot for it if you're interested in doing a test for it.Put the Tyrell manse there