Approved Update Application - District 31


With Cash’s Approval ContraContradict and I plan on leading District 31 of the KL Update.

District Description:
District 31 is bordered on the South by the Street of Steel with multiple blacksmiths, armorers, etc. It then stretches North around the base of Visenya’s Hill.

New Canon
As far as we know there is no new canon known for this section as its relatively unimportant.

District's Current State
The District is relatively small and consists of a small poorer section and the rest are relatively nicer housing. There are a few houses that require some intimate attention to see if they could be kept but otherwise the district is the same as others.

Update Plans
We plan to keep the dragon fountain and leave the layout of the district the same. The poor section could be de-concentrated as currently it is very dense. We plan to demolish only a few houses and add a few yards in between as well as making some of the houses taller by converting them into multi-tenant housing.
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Staff member
Hey Scub and Contra,

I like your plans so far, but I was hoping you could provide some more specific details, particularly with regards to the style updates - are you planning on introducing any particular new materials or styles to this section? With River Row we have taken a focus on orange brick elements, and I am interested to know if you have anything in mind for here. Other things would be any particular industrial/commercial activities in the area and what your plans are for the houses that are on the slope of Visenya's hill.
What I really like is that you are planning on taking a true update approach with relative preservation of the underlying work, and I commend you both for this.

Looking forward to see what you two come up with!


Hey Scub and Contra,

I like your plans so far, but I was hoping you could provide some more specific details, particularly with regards to the style updates - are you planning on introducing any particular new materials or styles to this section? With River Row we have taken a focus on orange brick elements, and I am interested to know if you have anything in mind for here. Other things would be any particular industrial/commercial activities in the area and what your plans are for the houses that are on the slope of Visenya's hill.
What I really like is that you are planning on taking a true update approach with relative preservation of the underlying work, and I commend you both for this.

Looking forward to see what you two come up with!
Thanks Codd,
Appreciate the confidence won't let you down! Also in response to your concerns we plan on having the orange bricks start to become phased out for the more Grey stone pallette as you near the base of the hill where the more wealthier citizens live. Additionally, the poorer area will be more wooden rather than timber frame daub to offer a nice contrast, of course this is all general and some will be daub still. The Smiths and stuff will stay as its an indicator that you are on the street of Steel since we are near the start of it. Also for industry I am open to suggestions the current area doesn't have much other than Inns and Brothels but I see some opportunity for Merchants. And also we planned to have more multi-tenants with them getting progressively nicer (but still low-mid class) as you near the Hill. Hope this is sufficient :)


Staff member
I approve of those plans. Bear in mind the Street of Steel features more dark stones (including northern cobble), so keep those motifs on the relevant sections. As for professions, maybe think of some that would be aligned with metalwork - coopers, carpenters, tinkerers etc. This part of KL is very much heavy industry centered.

Once you have marked the houses in your section as red/orange/green and planned any big alterations please let me know and I'll give it a once-over before giving the go ahead.

Good luck, have fun!


A little more than a month later and we are coming to a close on KL 31. There's currently no more open plots but there are still changes being made. To all the builders who have contributed Contra and Myself greatly appreciate all the amazing work but we also urge you to go through your works to check for feedback as there is still much to be addressed. Thank you all! Will have another update once the District is properly complete.
- Scub and Contra <3


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Hey Scubooty and ContraBlonde , as you know I've recently been checking up on all the nearly-finished KL remaster districts for one final push to completion. When you have some spare time on your hands, could you give an update on what remains to be done?

Overall I didn't have any major issues with this district; I like how it all turned out. I did go through and leave some melons on things that I think could be improved. My thoughts on the Street of Steel given here also apply to the small section of the SoS contained within this district.

Other than that, see this thread for specific instructions on how to ready the district for Stage 1 completion. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!


Hey Scubooty and ContraBlonde , as you know I've recently been checking up on all the nearly-finished KL remaster districts for one final push to completion. When you have some spare time on your hands, could you give an update on what remains to be done?

Overall I didn't have any major issues with this district; I like how it all turned out. I did go through and leave some melons on things that I think could be improved. My thoughts on the Street of Steel given here also apply to the small section of the SoS contained within this district.

Other than that, see this thread for specific instructions on how to ready the district for Stage 1 completion. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Hey Emot!
Sorry for the delay I've been busy lately! I'm in the process of reviewing the houses in 31 a lot of them need work to be more up to date with some of the changes in how the Remaster is being done and I'd gone through marking most of the houses that needed changes so all of those melons will be addressed soon. As far as SoS goes me and Rav have laid down a good point to start modifying palettes to be more like what you wanted to see, It wont affect more than a sliver of 31 but those changes will be made. I'll see if I can wrangle CC to help out too! Thanks for the feedback.
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