Approved Update Application - District 25 "Kingsgate Quarter" - Ark


Dowager Countess of Grantham
Staff member
Ahoy all!

Just an update on the district - thanks for your patience; I've finally managed to go through all the builds and review and approve almost all. I've left a few bits of feedback on houses that are either incomplete, have been reserved but not finished, or have been damaged by tests being pasted in. Please review any of your builds and make the relevant changes or finishing touches.

I've opened up all the remaining plots on the West side of the district, including testing for the Timberhouse and a new washhouse beside the Father's Sept. If you have outstanding tests for any of the other structures, please let me know and I'll review them.

The east side of the district on the hill will be replotted soon and opened shortly.

Thanks again for your patience!


Dowager Countess of Grantham
Staff member
Sorry for the delay guys - I've been a bit snowed under and didn't get any notifications on this. I'll take a look at the build tonight/tomorrow and will confirm here afterwards. Please do feel free to drop me a message or @tag me in Discord - I see things more immediately there, rather than bumping. Cheers!
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Dowager Countess of Grantham
Staff member
Hi, so this is my application for the corn-exchange building - I made it roughly half a year ago and could probably do a better job if I wanted to try it again, but I don't really want to do that. You can find it on the second level of my plot if you want a closer look.
Hi Aino - this is approved by me. Please go ahead and paste it in :) If you want to tackle the adjoining stable block, please feel free.


Dowager Countess of Grantham
Staff member
Hey Emoticone11 Thanks for following up in the thread. I know Codd has been tackling a lot of the houses recently which has been a great help.
With my focus on Riverrun and dabbling with Hightower stuff, I've had little time to work on KL25. If someone with more time and interest would like to see it through to completion, they're more than welcome to.