Skelebro21 Builder Application

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14/born in 2003


I first heard about Westeroscraft in a Youtube video by the channel Watchmojo called "Top 10 minecraft builds" where the entire map of Westeroscraft was on the number one spot.

Yes I've read All the Lord of the rings books and the Silmarillion plus watched the Lord of the rings movie trilogy

Game of Thrones
Clash of Kings

Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
All of the above

My favorite ASOIAF character is Stannis Baratheon, why? Well i think his backstory and motives are really interesting, he never felt love or happiness and was never liked. Everything horrible and wise things he has done he did because he thought it was his duty.

None that I haven't seen being used on the server

I really like this server, the builds are very impressive and realistic (even though this is minecraft) it's got a nice and friendly community that share my interest in ASOIAF and other fictional universes and i would love to be a part of all this and help the server recreate westeros and more in minecraft and over time learn to build better and use plugins.

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Dowager Countess of Grantham
Staff member
Hi Skele,

Thanks for your application! I have a couple of bits of feedback, but not too much!

- The Daub and Wattle walls are a bit of a mess and the pattern doesn't line up realistically. You need to make sure that the crosses and diagonals are placed to give the most strength to the building. This usually means symmetrically, and with all the corners having the most support.

- Your chimney is a little big and would be nicer if you mixed more than one block into it's palette.

- The flooring is 100% gravel which is a bit plain. Try mixing dirt in with it, and maybe some thatch to make the floor more dynamic.

- A house this small probably wouldn't own a lantern. The glass/ironwork that goes into producing them is quite expensive.

Other than that, this is a cute build! For your first challenge, please build a middle class house in the style of Whitehabrour.

Once you've built this in Single Player, post another album of the images here.

Good Luck!


Dowager Countess of Grantham
Staff member
Hey Skele,

thanks for the house, I've got some feedback for you:

- Use half doors on the inside edges of your roof overhang. This sill make the wooden supports seem continuous, and make it look more realistic. See others in the area for the same practice.

- Your palette needs some work. The plaster should really only be touching the cobble stone, and then the cobble touching the bricks, that way you get the appearance of crumbling plaster giving way to the stones beneath. When you have raw plaster touching the brickwork, the contrast is really stark.

- Your ceilings have no rafters at all. I can see that you’ve tried to use the stair blocks to create little supports for the ceiling, but there are much more realistic ways of doing this. You should have beams running the full width of the building, wall to wall.

- I’m not sure why your ground floor has wooden flooring, and a strip of stone infant of the fire. The ground floor should really be a dirt, gravel or even brick mix. Also, don’t mix different wood types in flooring, it looks a bit strange.

- With the thatch carpets on the upper floor, you should stick to just the dark fur thatch in a house like this. Mixing the two isn’t effective at all.

- Avoid 3-wide beds.. they’re just weird.

The house is a good start, but I'd advise you to spend a bit more time looking at the interiors and little details of other houses in White Harbour, and to also spend a little more time taking in the style guide. These are always very useful for getting it just right.

For your second challenge, I'd like you to build a middle class house in the style of /warp woodwright. These are the houses with slate roofs on the main square.

If you can post a link to the album of screenshots in this thread, that'd be great!

Good Luck!


Dowager Countess of Grantham
Staff member
Skele, I'm not impressed that you've copied an existing house from Woodwright in it's entirety. You've mixed up the two class styles, but the structural and internal layout is identical to the last house I furnished. This house is the one you asked us questions about, particularly regarding the palette, which you've clearly not taken on board.

We take plagiarism very seriously and as a result, I'm going to reject your application indefinitely.
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